Jamaica Hospital’s Dr. Bagheri Helps Educate the Public about Zika

zika-virus-508545476The possibility of a Zika virus outbreak in the United States has been a looming issue for health organizations, elected officials and the general public.  This growing concern has sparked a quest for information and communities are looking to their local hospitals as one of the resources to provide education about the virus.

Jamaica Hospital has collaborated with key influencers in the community to raise awareness and share measures of prevention against Zika.  Some of those collaborations included working with elected officials, local media and participating in nationally recognized social media forums to get the message out.  The hospital’s Director of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Farshad Bagheri has helped greatly in providing the information needed to facilitate these initiatives.

This summer, in a Queens Chronicle article, titled “Doctors Worried as Zika Hits Queens,” Bagheri explained to reporters that actions against Zika must be carried out with urgency as the threat of an outbreak is more imminent than many realize.  He further explained the protocol that area hospitals were advised to follow if they received a patient displaying symptoms.

The full article can be read here: http://www.qchron.com/editions/queenswide/doctors-worried-as-zika-hits-queens/article_09fa954c-81fb-595e-9da5-3d067cc24a1a.html

Additionally, as part of a social media, community outreach campaign, Jamaica Hospital collaborated with Councilman Eric Ulrich to educate the public about the virus.   Dr. Bagheri provided vital statistics, safety tips and a public service warning to pregnant women travelling to countries with high levels of transmission.

Jamaica Hospital is proud to serve as a trusted resource for the wellness and betterment of our community. Hospital leadership and staff are consistently exploring new ways to communicate with and educate those we serve.