10 New Year’s Eve Safety Tips

  1. New  Years Safety 526019787Remember to fully charge your cell phone or bring a charger, before going out.
  2. Carry emergency contact information in your wallet and Inform loved ones of your destination.
  3. Prepare an emergency safety kit in your vehicle.
  4. If you plan on drinking, designate a driver or arrange for taxi service.
  5. Monitor your intake of alcohol.
  6. Be aware of your surroundings and the actions of people around you. Avoid those who seem out of control.
  7. If you plan on going to a nightclub or a large party, bring friends with you and stick together.
  8. Keep your pets safely away from party guests, flames and areas that are loud or highly trafficked.
  9. Have a fire extinguisher in an easily accessible area.
  10. Remember to practice safe sex.