Congratulations to Jamaica Hospital’s C.A.R.E Award Winners

Congratulations to Jamaica Hospital’s C.A.R.E (Compassion Advocacy Respect and Engagement) award recipients.

The C.A.R.E award program was created by the hospital’s Person-Centered Care Department to recognize employees who received positive remarks (written and verbal) from patients or their loved ones after being provided with excellent and compassionate care.

Criteria for the award require that recipients exemplify G.R.A.C.E:

G- Gracious: Having a courteous and kind demeanor.

R- Respect: Treating others the way they want to be treated.

A- Assisting: Anticipating needs and concerns (example wayfinding).

C- Communication: Talking to patients and family members according to their health literacy.

E- Empathy: Using the patient’s perspective, making the patient feel understood, ensuring that their feelings are validated.

We congratulate the following employees, and thank them for their contributions to making Jamaica Hospital a high-reliability hospital that focuses on patient-centered care:

Ms. Ausby Ashley, RN Mr. David Reyes
Ms. Barno Malayeva Ms. Kelly Cervellione
Ms. Cerys Preisner, RN Dr. Olivia Koury
Ms. Daryl Hannah Ore, RN Ms. Alessia Russello
Ms. Debbie Quelle, RN Mr. Jonathan Benedek
Ms. Glenda Basillio Dr. Jeffrey Chan
Ms. Hazel Davis-Adams, RN Dr. Tyler Luthringer
Ms. Karla Rosal, RN Dr. Brittany Declouette
Ms. Klara Gavrilov, RN Dr. Jenny Chung
Ms. Oksana Galibova, CNM Dr. Medha Chunduru
Ms. Sandra Meertins, RN Ms. Gigi Rubin
Mr. Sayed Zahrieh, RN Ms. Xiomara Thomas
Ms. Arlett Dlanser, RN
Ms. Monica Marder, RN
Dr. Quinn Demarest
Dr. John Boccio
Ms. Cherlie Hyacinthe
Ms. Andrea Hernandez
Ms. Tiara Lagrasta, RN