MediSys Celebrates Social Work Month

For the past 116 years, social workers have committed themselves to improving social conditions and the quality of life opportunities for everyone. Every March, National Professional Social Work month highlights the contributions social workers make to society and raises awareness about the profession. This year, the theme is “All People Matter” and to celebrate, the MediSys Health Network organized several events.

Jamaica Hospital held a bake sale to raise money for The Rose Marmo Fund, created in honor of a social worker who worked at Jamaica Hospital for 35 years. Almost $500 was raised and the money will be used to assist patients with the things they need for a safe discharge.

Additionally, the facility organized an educational workshop for patients, visitors, and employees. Attorneys from The Family Center were available to assist individuals with questions regarding health care proxies and to help them complete the necessary forms.

“We wanted to educate the public on the importance of medical decision making,” explained Sheryl Mersten, Director of Case Management/Social Work at Jamaica Hospital. “As medical social workers, we are advocates for our patients and are constantly communicating between them, their loved ones, and staff. Social workers, therefore, become a critical part of the healthcare team.”

The facility ended the month long celebration with a social work appreciation luncheon. Social workers Meghan Wolfman, Karen Rothman, and Michelle Blearie-Samuel were honored by the department and received awards.

At Flushing Hospital, administration and department heads were sent an email informing them about National Social Work Month and thanking the hospital’s social workers for their unyielding dedication to their patients. Also, the Assistant Director of Case Management and Social Work, Christine Wildman, organized a breakfast to honor their social workers, while several hospital employees nominated Roy Naipaul for this year’s National Association of Social Workers/Queensboro Council for Social Work Queens Social Workers Award.

“All people have dignity and deserve respect,” said Denise James, Director of Case Management/Social Work at Flushing Hospital. “Social workers are an immediate lifeline in crisis—providing access to resources and new life options—and deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated for their hard work and dedication.”

The MediSys Health Network employs over 30 social workers, and we extend our gratitude to each and every one of them. Thank you.