Congratulations to Jamaica Hospital’s C.A.R.E Award Winners

Congratulations to Jamaica Hospital’s C.A.R.E (Compassion Advocacy Respect and Engagement) award recipients.

The hospital’s Person-Centered Care Department created the C.A.R.E award program to recognize employees who received positive remarks (written and verbal) from patients or their loved ones after receiving high-quality and compassionate care.

Criteria for the award require that recipients exemplify G.R.A.C.E:

G- Gracious: Having a courteous and kind demeanor.

R- Respect: Treating others the way they want to be treated.

A- Assisting: Anticipating needs and concerns (example wayfinding).

C- Communication: Talking to patients and family members according to their health literacy.

E- Empathy: Using the patient’s perspective, making the patient feel understood, ensuring that their feelings are validated.

We congratulate the following employees, and thank them for their contributions to making Jamaica Hospital a high-reliability hospital that focuses on patient-centered care:

  1. William Nugent
  2. Santhosh Alex
  3. Jebun Nahar
  4. Mykola Alyskewycz
  5. Kim Shelly
  6. Kava Robinson
  7. John Ritumalta RN
  8. Vyacheslav Galibov
  9. Cornelius Brown
  10. Jo-Ann Campudoni
  11. Shiv Kumarie Santram
  12. Ma Ruth Rosalyn Jose RN
  13. Maria Santos RN
  14. Violetta Isakova RN
  15. Adela Refamonte RN
  16. Myrna Escario RN
  17. Ivonne Dabovich
  18. Mendy Tan RN
  19. Sharon Scott RN
  20. Elizabeth Weinman