Community Health Needs Assessment Survey

In collaboration with hospitals across the state, the MediSys Health Network is conducting a Community Health Needs Assessment survey to determine the most important health concerns of the community, and we would greatly appreciate your input.

The Community Health Needs Assessment survey will assist in the development of a plan that involves many community partners to improve the health of our community. The results of this survey are very important as they can also impact funding, spending, and other wide-reaching decisions about healthcare delivery systems.

The survey is open to all community members residing in New York. To access it, please click here, and share what issues matter to you most. The MediSys Health Network encourages all employees to complete the survey and to share it with family, friends, and others so that their input can be heard. All responses are confidential.

Thank you for your time and for helping us gain valuable insights into the needs of the community. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Andrew Rubin at 718-206-8949.