Jamaica Hospital Honors Mental Health Awareness Month

Department of psychiatry IMG_2827

Staff from the Department of Psychiatry

On May 20th Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s Department of Psychiatry observed Child Mental Health Awareness Day.  In recognition of the nationwide event, members of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry division provided free screenings for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and depression to the community.

Over one hundred people attended the event in anticipation of receiving assistance or information for their loved ones. Screening children is very important if they exhibit symptoms of mental health disorders and the sooner they receive treatment, the better.  They will be more likely to manage their diagnosed disorder in the future.

The event follows a series successful community outreach efforts conducted by the department of psychiatry this year. Several initiatives were implemented to educate communities.

Some of the other initiatives included:

  • Partnering with the New York State Psychiatric Association and the Queens District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association to host the Veterans Mental Health Primary Care Training Initiative.
  • Raising awareness on the benefits of using creative arts therapy to treat mental illnesses by transforming the main hospital lobby into an impressive art gallery exhibition. The exhibit featured the anonymous art work of patients who were participants in creative arts therapy.

The rate of people diagnosed or suffering from mental illness in the United States has steadily increased in recent years.  It is estimated that one in five U.S. residents have a diagnosable mental health disorder.  Often these people do not seek treatment as they are embarrassed by the stigmas attached to mental illness. Jamaica Hospital Medical Center is continuing its outreach efforts to educate the community about the impact that mental health issues can have if left untreated and that treatment is available.

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