Jamaica Hospital Volunteer Featured As NY1 News Queens Person of the Week

Margo fund raising breast cancer IMG_0290It came as no surprise when Jamaica Hospital Medical Center volunteer Marguerite Luizzo, fondly known as “Margo,” was selected as NY1 News’, Queens Person of the Week.  The TV segment highlights individuals who make a difference in their communities by volunteering and helping others.   Luizzo has served as a volunteer at the hospital since 2012; her kindheartedness and positive attitude are some of the qualities that patients and staff have enjoyed over the years.

Margo has had a knack for helping others for as long as she can remember.  “As a child, I was always the first to grab the mercurochrome bottle when my siblings got hurt and put the Band-Aids on,” Luizzo shared with reporters.  She would continue to provide that special care to others for nearly 45 years throughout her professional career as a nurse.

Luizzo retired from Jamaica Hospital in 2012 but she knew her duty to help others could not stop there. “I like being around people and I just feel that we are put here to help one another,” she explained.   Never one to sit around; Margo decided that she would pursue a personal mission to provide community service in and around her Queens neighborhood.

Currently, Margo devotes her time to the hospital by serving as a patient liaison for the Ambulatory Surgery Unit (ASU).  Her duties include providing a supportive and caring environment for patients and their families. Her dedication and compassion are appreciated by all who have the pleasure of meeting her. Luizzo also serves as a comfort captain; training other volunteers to carry out their work efficiently.

In addition to volunteering in Jamaica Hospital’s ASU, Margo is also a co-leader for the hospital’s MediSys Dream Believers Cancer Walk team and has helped raise funds and awareness for breast cancer research and the American Cancer Society.

Congratulations Margo Luizzo for being featured as NY1 News,’ Queens Person of the Week. It is an honor that is well deserved.  Thank you for dedicating your time to the MediSys Health Network and in helping us to achieve our goal of providing quality care to the communities we serve.

WATCH news clip here: