MediSys Health Network Shows Strength in Numbers on Advocacy Day 2016

advocacy day 2016On Wednesday, March 2nd a group of over 20 employees representing MediSys Health Network attended the 2016 Hospital Association of New York State (HANYS) Advocacy Day in Albany.

This annual event gives MediSys’ leadership and staff the opportunity to meet with our New York State legislators to discuss healthcare issues.

advocacy day 2016 3Some of the key issues that were discussed at this year’s meeting were:

  • The urgent need for additional capital funding
  • Funding for potential increases in minimum wage
  • Assistance in covering  unpaid bills resulting from the failure of Health Republic health plan
  • Support for safety net providers

adovacy  day 2016  2The President of HANYS; Dennis Whelan, commended our efforts in effectively raising awareness of these issues among State legislators. Mr. Whelan also thanked Mr. Bruce J. Flanz; President and CEO of MediSys, for the network’s continued strong show of support and for a wonderful turnout this year.