Flu Season Is Here- Flu Shots Now Available for Jamaica and Flushing Hospital

flu -490617758Flu season is here and with it comes dreadful flu symptoms. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, requiring hospitalization and in some cases can lead to death.   The best way to protect yourself and others around you from the spread of the virus is to get the flu vaccine. It is your strongest line of defense. According to Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC), the flu shot reduces the chances of getting the flu by 70 to 90%.

It is important to get a flu shot every year because flu viruses are constantly changing.  New vaccines are created each year to offer you optimal protection.  The CDC recommends that everyone from the ages of six months and older receive an annual vaccination. The flu vaccine works by stimulating your immune system to develop antibodies that attack the flu virus.

The flu vaccine is the best preventative step you can take against infection. The shot is now available at Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center’s offices of Occupational Health or the main lobby in each hospital.

If you choose not to receive vaccination, please inform our offices of Occupation Health Services by completing the Refusal to Receive section of their Influenza Vaccination Encounter form.  Beginning November 16th those who do  not receive the vaccination will be required to wear face masks at all times in areas where patients may be present.  Hospital employees will be locked out of Kronos beginning December 1st if the paper work is not received.  Failure to comply with these requirements will result in disciplinary actions.

For more details on the flu vaccine please call Jamaica Hospital’s Occupation Health Services at 718 206 6812 or Flushing Hospital’s Occupational Health Services at 718 670 5630.

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Jamaica Hospital Helps Move New York Out Of Last Place

Live on 2 vDid you know New York is ranked last in the entire country for the percentage of residents registered as organ donors? Even more concerning is the fact that a New Yorker dies every 18 hours while waiting for an organ donation.  In response to these alarming statistics Jamaica Hospital Medical Center partnered with LiveOnNY-a federally designated organ procurement organization to help raise awareness and increase the number of organ donors.

On October 6th both organizations participated in New York’s first ever Organ Donor Enrollment Day. This campaign was executed with one goal in mind: to enroll as many willing New Yorkers as possible in one day to become registered organ donors.  Staff and volunteers from LiveOnNY and Jamaica Hospital rallied passersby in the main lobby and cafeteria of the hospital to sign up.

Key figures who represented Jamaica Hospital at the event were William Lynch, Executive Vice President and COO; Dr. Alan Roth, Chairman of Family Medicine and Palliative Care and Dr. Anthony DiMaria, Vice President and Medical Director of Trump Pavilion.  Each of which have been instrumental in developing our partnership with LiveOnNY and advocating for this important cause.

Dr. Anthony DiMaria understands first-hand the importance of organ donation.  He spoke openly to the media and shared his personal experience of being a New Yorker who received a much needed organ donation.  “I was going out—down to the end when I was informed that I was going to receive a heart,” said Dr. DiMaria. “I’ve said it before but I’ve been given life twice.” He also went on to tell reporters that his donor was a man from the Dominican Republic and that he still to this day keeps in touch with the donor’s family. The media fondly dubbed him as “The Italian with the Dominican Heart.”

Jamaica Hospital been an advocate for organ donation for many years, we have been “sounding the alarm for donor registration for decades,” stated Mr. Lynch. It is our goal to continue these efforts and help save lives.

To read and watch the media stories of Jamaica Hospital’s and LiveOnNY’s Organ Donor Enrollment Day, please click the links below:





For more hospital events, highlights, health and  fitness tips,visit us on 

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Jamaica Hospital’s Psychiatry Department Receives Proclamation From Senator Leroy Comrie

welldone461215725-210x150Congratulations to the Creative Arts Therapy division of Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s psychiatry department for receiving  an official proclamation from the office of Senator Leroy Comrie. This is a remarkable accomplishment as proclamations are usually reserved by government officials to commemorate exemplary achievements or milestones.

In the proclamation Senator Comrie honored and acknowledged members of the department including Dr. Seeth Vivek ,Tony Maffia, Heather Grey, Michelle Hololob and others for their outstanding work in raising community awareness  on mental health  and most importantly for organizing this year’s Therapeutic Art Display- Mandalas, Explorations and Other Self-Reflections.  During the display the main lobby of the hospital was transformed into an impressive art gallery by the group.

Beautiful pieces of art created anonymously by patients were exhibited in an effort to educate the community about the benefits of creative arts therapy in treating mental illnesses.  This form of therapy encourages self- exploration, helps organize emotions and has a profoundly positive effect on mental well-being.

One of the major goals of the psychiatry department this year was to help erase the negative stigmas associated with mental illness through education. They have been very successful in achieving this goal by executing several community outreach campaigns. We are elated that the department has received this recognition for their hard work and as stated by Ms. Hololob, “It’s an honor and much appreciated!”

Two of Jamaica Hospital’s Own Featured on The New York Times Rising Stars List

rising stars-477709880Recently the New York Times published the highly awaited list of Super Doctors and Rising Stars in medicine.  The list is composed of a roster of outstanding physicians from more than 40 specialties, recognized nation-wide for their achievements or a high degree of admiration from their peers.

Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s ophthalmologists, Dr. Jonathan Kruh and Dr. Nicolas Biro earned two coveted spots on the Rising Stars list. To gain a place on the list is no easy task as candidates have to endure a rigorous, multi-step process to be selected.  Some of the characteristics that gain physicians this recognition are: professional activities, academic achievements, hospital appointment and prior honors. After a thorough blue-ribbon panel review only 2.5 percent of physicians in each state are selected.

Dr. Nicolas Biro recently joined the Jamaica Hospital family and is fellowship trained in oculoplastics and neuro-ophthalmology.   Dr. Jonathan Kruh, a graduate of our ophthalmology program is a core member of our faculty and clinical director. He is fellowship trained in cornea refractive surgery and uveitis.

As said best by Dr. Cono Grasso, Chairman of Ophthalmology “We are very of proud of our rising stars.” On behalf of Jamaica Hospital Medical Center- we offer our congratulations to doctors Biro and Kruh on this outstanding achievement.

For more hospital events, highlights, health and  fitness tips,visit us on 

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Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Break Language Barriers with New Technology

Silvina  El Diario 1

Silvina De La Iglesia and our new Video Remote Interpretation System

Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center are located in one of the most linguistically diverse regions in the world.  According to a recent census, there are over 138 languages spoken in Queens.

Servicing a community that is so uniquely diverse is a responsibility that we take pride in.  This is why Jamaica and Flushing Hospital makes providing efficient ways to communicate with our patients and their families one of our highest priorities.

Effective language communication is critical in our daily operations as healthcare providers.  Proper communication reduces the risk of medical errors and improves the quality of our patients’ experience.  There are several systems and resources set up throughout both institutions to ensure that language needs are being met.

We have many language tools that we utilize, including our Point-To chart, our on-site qualified medical interpreters (which can be located in the Language Bank Manual),  and the over-the-phone interpreters, the Language Line and Pacific Interpreters.

However, the Language Assistant Program headed by Silvina De La Iglesia has added an innovative tool- the Video Remote Interpretation system (VRI), to service our Deaf or hard or hearing community.

The Video Remote Interpreting system is primarily used for American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation.  The system is mobile and used on iPads. The devices are kept in the emergency room office or in the Language Assistance Program department at Jamaica Hospital. They are on the way shortly to Flushing Hospital.  Silvina, an advocate for language service accessibility in healthcare facilities wants to encourage staff to become familiar with the new technology.

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Silvina demonstrates the VRI and discusses both hospitals’ sensitivity to cultural diversity and language on Univision News

“The system is very easy to use. It’s like using an app on the iPad. It helps us to remain compliant with regulations that require interpreters be available to patients within 20 minutes of arrival to the hospital and within 10 minutes to the ER,” stated Silvina. The technology uses video conferencing –think Face Time, to connect a qualified ASL interpreter to the patient.  The interpreter then conveys the conversation to hospital staff, enabling effective communication.

John language dep

Welcome Jonathan Sanchez, our new ASL Interpreter/ Coordinator

The Language Assistance Program plans to increase and expand interpreting resources and services provided by Jamaica and Flushing Hospital.  The department recently hired a new ASL Interpreter/ Coordinator Jonathan Sanchez to help fulfill departmental goals.  “My goal is to solidify and promote Jamaica and Flushing Hospital as institutions where our community takes comfort in knowing that we will be able to help and communicate with them in many languages, spoken or signed.”

Silvina was recently featured in the newspaper El Diario and appeared along with our patient navigators on the evening news for Univision TV. She spoke about the hospitals’ sensitivity to language differences and the progressive steps we are taking to meet the demands of our diverse community.

Silvina ‘s Interview with El Diario can be read here: http://www.eldiariony.com/cuando-de-salud-se-trata-a-cada-quien-su-idioma

For more hospital highlights, health and fitness information, visit us on: Facebook.com/ Jamaica Hospital, Facebook.com/ Flushing Hospital and on twitter @JamaicaHospital and @FHMC_NYC.



Core Values of JHMC Dental Residency Program Remain Timeless-An Interview with 1970’s graduate Dr. Paul Spenadel

Dr SpenadelThis summer the Dental Department at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center celebrated a milestone by graduating its 40th residency class.  The department began the residency program in the 1970’s; an era known for many facets of change. Since then graduates from the program have gone on to become leaders in the industry, serving as deans at dental schools, presidents of dental associations and practicing dentists at Jamaica Hospital.

One of the physicians that has remained with Jamaica Hospital since his graduation in the 1970’s is Dr. Paul Spenadel. The doctor today is a spry 90 years old and is still practicing- without missing a beat.  Dr. Spenadel is known as “The Godfather” to the Dental Department because of his many years of dedication and commitment.

We sat with the doctor to get his perspective: past and present on the dental Industry. He discussed the changes he has experienced during the evolution of dentistry, “The tools and materials used in our industry have changed but the basic principles have remained the same. We encourage residents to practice and uphold ethical standards of conduct.” When asked what kind of advice he would share with aspiring dentists, Dr. Spenadel replied, “Be the best dentist you can be and serve your patients well.”

Dr. Paul Spenadel continues to serve our community as a voluntary attending and treats geriatric patients. He actively provides supervision to dental residents and educates them on how to properly provide services for older adults.  Dr. Deborah Pasquale, Chairperson of the Dental Department shared her fondness for Dr. Spenadel, “He was one of my favorite attendings when I was a resident here at Jamaica Hospital in 1991/1992. He is so kind and helpful and easy to work with. He makes us and the patients feel at ease. He has a wealth of knowledge to share.”

The Dental Department continues to grow and evolve to meet the needs of its patients.  Dr. Pasquale expressed her excitement for future plans, “I am very excited about the future of our department and the residency program. We are making great strides in our attempt to offer more services to our community. We are at the final stages of incorporating dentistry in the OR on a permanent, regular basis to our services, as well as a sedation suite in our dental clinic. These will benefit our pediatric, special needs and phobic dental population and give our residents experience far beyond their dental school training.”

For more hospital highlights, health and fitness tips, join Jamaica and Flushing Hospital on Twitter and Facebook.


Jamaica Hospital Partners With The March Of Dimes To Solve A Growing Health Problem in Queens

ThJHMC  March of Dimes IMG_0471e United States has one of the highest rates of premature births among industrialized nations and locally, Jamaica Queens has one of the highest rates in New York City. While there are differences in geographic significance, one problem remains the same- the numbers are alarming.  Research attributes high rates in pre-term labor to socioeconomic factors such as income and education.  Jamaica Hospital Medical Center and the March of Dimes have partnered to find solutions to this growing health problem and address the contributing factors.

On July 16th both organizations officially launched the Healthy Babies Are Worth the Wait program. Jamaica Hospital is one of two hospitals selected by the March of Dimes to execute the comprehensive initiative.  The hospital was selected based on their unique program offerings such as the Centering Program and fulfilling the requirements of a rigorous screening process.

Jamaica Hospital plans to enhance the Centering Pregnancy program by using an innovative approach to educate patients in a group-based setting that infuses mobile technology with traditional prenatal care.  The hospital has partnered with SocialWellth to create interactive digital applications with specific content about preterm labor prevention. All Centering patients will be given tablets loaded with these applications as a tool to help guide them throughout their pregnancies.

Mitchell Cornett, administrator of Jamaica Hospital’s Ob/Gyn department   expressed his excitement for the program launch in a recent interview, “Jamaica Hospital is thrilled to be a partner in the March of Dimes’ Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait Program.”  “We are equally excited that we have successfully initiated group prenatal care. Mothers participating in the program are dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcomes for their babies. By including the multifaceted concept of Centering Pregnancy as a growing part of our prenatal care services, Jamaica Hospital is fulfilling its goal of increasing the rate of full-term deliveries in the communities we serve.”

Mr. Cornett and Dr. Tamara Magloire, as well as other members of the Jamaica Hospital Ob/Gyn department serve on the advisory board of the Healthy Babies Are Worth the Wait program and have been influential in establishing the relationship between the hospital and the March of Dimes.  They have done a remarkable job in bringing recognition to Jamaica Hospital as a resource and institution that offers a solution to the high rates of premature labor in New York City.

To see the press coverage of the Healthy Babies Are Worth The Wait launch, please click the links below:



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Jamaica Hospital Honors Mental Health Awareness Month

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Staff from the Department of Psychiatry

On May 20th Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s Department of Psychiatry observed Child Mental Health Awareness Day.  In recognition of the nationwide event, members of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry division provided free screenings for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and depression to the community.

Over one hundred people attended the event in anticipation of receiving assistance or information for their loved ones. Screening children is very important if they exhibit symptoms of mental health disorders and the sooner they receive treatment, the better.  They will be more likely to manage their diagnosed disorder in the future.

The event follows a series successful community outreach efforts conducted by the department of psychiatry this year. Several initiatives were implemented to educate communities.

Some of the other initiatives included:

  • Partnering with the New York State Psychiatric Association and the Queens District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association to host the Veterans Mental Health Primary Care Training Initiative.
  • Raising awareness on the benefits of using creative arts therapy to treat mental illnesses by transforming the main hospital lobby into an impressive art gallery exhibition. The exhibit featured the anonymous art work of patients who were participants in creative arts therapy.

The rate of people diagnosed or suffering from mental illness in the United States has steadily increased in recent years.  It is estimated that one in five U.S. residents have a diagnosable mental health disorder.  Often these people do not seek treatment as they are embarrassed by the stigmas attached to mental illness. Jamaica Hospital Medical Center is continuing its outreach efforts to educate the community about the impact that mental health issues can have if left untreated and that treatment is available.

For more hospital highlights, health and fitness information, follow or like Jamaica and Flushing Hospital on Twitter or Facebook

The 17th Annual Medisys Classic Scores A Hole In One!

golf main pic_0476On May 18, Medisys Health network held the 17th Annual MediSys Classic at the Old Westbury Country Club.  Each year this highly anticipated event is coordinated to raise funds to benefit both Flushing and Jamaica Hospital Medical Center. Guests were invited to participate in a day of fun and relaxation at the beautiful and elegant facility.  They were offered a selection of activities to choose from which included golf, tennis, yoga and calming massages.

Although the day of the event was a bit chilly, it did not stop golfers from showing up, playing well and heating up the golf course.

Those who were not golfers but wanted to enjoy a day of fitness played an energetic game of tennis or got limber during yoga and Pilates classes.  Others who were looking for a day of rest and relaxation retreated to the spa.

Dinner and cocktails were served later on in the evening.  Guests were treated to a feast of treats and delectable cuisines.  Dinner was not only a social affair but also charitable as generous patrons bought fists full of raffle tickets and rushed to the silent auction table foGolf IMG_0464r  their chance to win  golf packages to exclusive clubs on Long Island.

Awards and recognitions were presented after dinner to key players and contributors to the event, including Honorary Chairman, Dr. Cono Grasso.  Raffle prize winners were also announced; they received highly coveted items such as iPads, cameras and plane tickets.

The 17th Annual Golf IMG_0471MediSys Classic was a great success thanks to the staff of Jamaica and Flushing Hospital, our generous participants and the staff of Old Westbury Country Club. We are looking forward to next year.


For more hospital highlights, health and fitness tips: Follow or like Jamaica and Flushing Hospital on Facebook and Twitter.

CSP Initiatives

quitsmokingDecreasing tobacco use and promoting the benefits of breast feeding have always been very important issues that require additional community outreach and education. Therefore Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center selected to address these two issues as their prevention agenda priorities and as part of their 2013-2017 Community Service Plan (CSP).

This decision was based on the demographic needs outlined by the New York State Department of Health. Both initiatives are in line with NYS’s Prevention Agenda 2013 – 2017 and NYC’s Take Care New York 2016 and the needs of the communities served by both hospitals.

Jamaica Hospital and Flushing Hospital continues to make smoking cessation and exclusive breastfeeding the two focal points in their efforts to improve public health in service areas. The Hospitals have made significant progress with both initiatives. Currently breastfeeding services are offered to all patients in the community. Both hospitals have expanded their efforts to become designated as a “Baby-Friendly” hospital; which is a global initiative launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

The hospitals have enlisted several community based organizations as partners in promoting Tobacco-Free Living and in extending their reach to as many people as possible. We have had a significant impact on reducing smoking rates among employees who smoke and counseling patients who smoke on the benefits of quitting. In addition we are taking part in the NYC Tobacco-Free Hospitals campaign.

As required by New York State, all hospitals must develop and make public our continued progress on our CSP initiatives each year. To learn more, please visit the “Community” section of the Jamaica Hospital and Flushing Hospital websites.

Through our continued hard work on both of these initiatives, it is the goal of both Jamaica Hospital and Flushing Hospital to educate our community and increase the overall health of those we serve.