ecoMedisys Celebrates Earth Day 2018

Earth Day began 48 years ago on April 22, 1970, as an effort to raise awareness of issues that negatively affect our environment.  Every year, in recognition of this important observance, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center displays the eco-friendly projects of various departments and vendors in our main lobby.

This year’s Earth Day exhibitors included the Pre-Hospital Care, Dietary, Planning, Printing, Engineering and Safety departments as well as Stericycle and the Ride Share Program.  All of which showcased their initiatives to reduce pollution and help improve our environment.

As a healthcare institution, Jamaica Hospital utilizes items such as paper, vehicles and cleaning equipment to help us to complete many of the services we provide. Improper use and disposal of these items can have a major impact on the environment.  This is why Jamaica Hospital developed ecoMediSys, a green committee that monitors conservation efforts and encourages environmentally responsible initiatives.

Since its inception six years ago, ecoMediSys has recognized an individual or department that has demonstrated a strong commitment to preserving the environment by presenting them with a plaque on Earth Day.  This year, Benny Quiles, Director of the Safety Department was recognized for his efforts throughout the years in keeping our environment safe and eco-friendly. Frederick Beekman, VP of Ambulatory Care was also recognized for having created the ecoMedisys initiative and for all of his efforts to keep the MediSys Network environmentally responsible.

Jamaica Hospital is proud of departments and staff involved in conservation efforts that help make our hospital greener.  It is our goal is to not only take care of our patients but to take care of our environment as well.

In the News: Jamaica Hospital Allergist Dr. Lisa Roth Shares Allergy Tips With Viewers

Last week, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center Allergist and Immunologist Dr. Lisa Roth participated in a NY1 News interview in which she shared helpful tips with viewers about this year’s allergy season.

Dr. Roth along with other experts in her field agree that the unseasonably chilly temperatures we have experienced, and a seemingly delayed spring are indicative of what could be a severe allergy season that yields high pollen counts.

In anticipation of the pollen surge, health departments nationwide, including the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) are encouraging healthcare providers to prepare allergy sufferers now for the upcoming season.

Data included in an advisory distributed by NYC DOHMH indicate, “In New York City, over-the-counter allergy medication sales typically increase in late April to early May, coinciding with peak concentrations of certain tree pollens.”  The advisory also shared that asthma-related emergency department visits tend to increase during this time of year, especially among children.

Dr. Roth has been preparing patients for allergy season in several ways, one of which is by helping them to identify their triggers through testing. “It is important to conduct allergy tests to determine the cause of their symptoms. Often people purchase over the counter drugs to treat symptoms but they may not be treating the correct cause for their discomfort,” she explained.   Once the cause is identified, Dr. Roth recommends treatment options that may include medication to control symptoms or immunotherapy.

Other ways Dr. Roth has been preparing patients for this year’s dreaded allergy season is working with parents of children with asthma, as elements in the environment during this time of year can exacerbate their symptoms. “ I remind parents that it is very important that their child’s asthma is managed well before pollen season begins.  I help them to develop or update written asthma management plans,” explains Dr. Roth.  Educating parents about symptom trigger avoidance is also a key factor in managing asthma during allergy season.

As for seasonal allergy sufferers, Dr. Roth recommends the following tips to prepare for the season and manage symptoms:  monitor pollen and mold counts, keep doors and windows shut in your home and car, begin taking medications prescribed by your allergist now to avoid inflammation, clean the air in your home with a HEPA filter, wash your face and hair as soon as you get home and wash linens and clothing frequently.

Watch the interview here:


Jamaica Hospital’s Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner and Award Ceremony

On Thursday, April 19th, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center celebrated its volunteers by hosting the Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner and Award Ceremony to honor all of those who donate so much of their time to the hospital.

Our volunteers were joined by several department heads at this special, fun-filled event, which was held in the hospital’s “D” Building auditorium. Those in attendance were treated to a delicious meal and a wonderful program where Arlette Cunningham, Manager of Volunteer Services, recognized multiple volunteers for their many years of service.

The program also included remarks by several individuals who expressed their gratitude to all our volunteers. Among the many who personally thanked the volunteers were Bruce J. Flanz, President and CEO, Bill Lynch, Executive Vice President and COO, and Dr. Sabiha Raoof, Chief Medical Officer and Chairperson of the Radiology Department. They, as well as others who spoke, expressed how much the work performed by our volunteers improve the quality of care we provide our patients.

Last year, volunteers contributed over 40,700 hours of service to Jamaica Hospital. That valuable work was performed in departments across the hospital by 125 individuals, ranging from young adults to seniors. In addition to all the men and women who were recognized for their volunteer services was one non-human. Frankie, Jamaica Hospital’s pet therapy canine, provides therapy services to our patients was also recognized.

Overall, Jamaica Hospital’s Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner and Award Ceremony was enjoyed by all.

Thank you again to all of Jamaica Hospital’s volunteers.


Congratulations to This Month’s GEMS

Every month, employees at Jamaica Hospital who go above and beyond to help coworkers, patients and visitors are nominated for the G.E.M award.

G.E.M stands for Going the Extra Mile and recipients are recognized for their hard work, team spirit, kindness, and professionalism.

This month’s G.E.M recipients are:

Natalya Dorum-Nursing

Thelma Facey -Environmental Services

Congratulations to you all. Keep up the excellent work in helping us to serve our community.

Jamaica Hospital Designated an ACR Diagnostic Imaging Center of Excellence

Jamaica Hospital Medical Center has recently been designated a Diagnostic Imaging Center of Excellence™ (DICOE) by the American College of Radiology (ACR).

This designation signifies that Jamaica Hospital has achieved the pinnacle of medical imaging care and implements the highest-quality imaging and diagnostic practices in many areas including, MRI, CT scan, nuclear medicine, mammography and ultrasound for both OB/GYN and breast care.

To achieve this distinction, Jamaica Hospital had to undergo a rigorous on-site inspection where all aspects of the Radiology Department’s operations were reviewed, including an inspection of the department’s equipment and technology as well as a review of its policies and procedures. Also included in the survey process was a roundtable discussion with staff that focused on how issues of communication and patient satisfaction are addressed.

In addition, the Radiology Department is now required to participate in the General Radiology Improvement Database (GRID) and the Dose Index Registry (DOI). The purpose of collecting and submitting data to these agencies is to “benchmark” our results against other facilities across the country.

Lastly, Jamaica Hospital radiologists and technologists also agreed to take a pledge to “Image Wisely” and “Image Gently,” which means they promise to use the least possible dosage to obtain the best images possible.

Jamaica Hospital, along with Flushing Hospital, are the only two Queens-based hospitals, and two of only a handful of hospitals in New York City to achieve this honor.

According to Radiology Chairperson, Sabiha Raoof, MD, “We are very proud to have achieved the Center of Excellence Designation, which demonstrates our hard work and exemplifies our high standards of offering the highest level of imaging quality, safety and care.”

Jamaica Hospital Receives QINCA Certificate of Excellence

Congratulations to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center for receiving a certificate of excellence from the Quality Improvement Network for Contraceptive Access (QINCA) for providing our patients with access to contraception options in a post-partum setting.

Currently, 60% of all pregnancies in New York City are unintended. In response to these numbers, the QINCA program was implemented by the New York City Department of Health (DOH) with the purpose of increasing patient access to contraceptive counseling and reducing the number of unintended pregnancies across the city by working with hospitals to provide contraceptive, family planning and primary care services to communities.

This is the second time Jamaica Hospital has received the Certificate of Excellence in recognition of our efforts in this area. In 2016, the hospital participated in phase 1 of the QINCA initiative, which aimed to provide similar contraceptive education, information and support in an outpatient setting. Jamaica was selected as one of only ten hospitals throughout New York City to participate in the initiative with services being provided at the hospital’s Women’s Health Center and Family Medicine Center.

Based on our success in phase 1 of the QINCA program, Jamaica was one of nine hospitals invited to participate in phase 2, where the same efforts were applied in an inpatient environment. According to phase 2, which began in early 2017, Jamaica Hospital physicians and nurses would educate expectant mothers during the prenatal process about their contraception options and offer them a choice of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs).

These birth control methods are highly effective in preventing pregnancy, last for an extended period of time, and once inserted, work without user action. LARCs include intrauterine devices (IUDs) and contraceptive implants like Nexplanon. Women interested in receiving these forms of contraception were provided them immediately after giving birth.

To receive the certificate of excellence for phase 2 of the QINCA program, the multidisciplinary Jamaica Hospital team had to display a commitment to providing optimal conditions for contraceptive access. They also had to participate in regular webinar-based and in person training with the DOH.  In addition, the hospital was required to share data with the group and was subject to multiple site visits by the DOH.

Jamaica Hospital received its official certificate of excellence at a ceremony held on Friday, March 2, at the NYC DOH offices.   According to Dr. Tamara Magloire, Director of Ambulatory for Ob/Gyn, “We are very proud to have achieved this goal. We feel it is our responsibility to educate and support women in our community about the various forms of contraception available to them. By working with QINCA, we are able to offer women a method of contraception that is best suited for them.”


The MediSys Health Network Debut at The Queens Museum

Last month, the Department of Psychiatry at Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center unveiled the anonymous artwork of patients in therapy at the Queens Museum.  This momentous event took place shortly after both hospitals celebrated Creative Arts Therapy Week.

Creative Arts Therapy Week is observed each year, in the third week of March, to raise awareness of the importance of utilizing creative art modalities to improve treatment outcomes for patients in therapy. This year, Jamaica and Flushing Hospital celebrated the observance by hosting the public art exhibit “Creating Balance.”

Creating Balance featured several pieces of art that illustrated the thoughts and reflections of patients participating in therapy.  Artwork with vibrant colors and self-expressive notes were displayed in each hospitals’ main lobby, and enjoyed by the community and staff.

The exhibit was later moved to the Queens Museum where it made its big debut.  An opening reception was held to reveal the artwork.  The event was well attended by several museum visitors, past and present patients as well as their families, artists and staff.  Art spectators actively viewed and explored the various media in which the art was presented.

The showcase included drawings, paintings, sculptures and music. Also presented were a compilation of video and an interactive experience utilizing apps and programs on an iPad.

Overall the MediSys Health Network’s Creating Balance exhibit was a tremendous success. “We achieved our goal of reaching out to the community, to showcase the value of artwork and how it has helped patients and families to facilitate an open discussion about therapy,” stated Michelle Hololob, Chief of Creative Arts Therapy at Jamaica Hospital.

Congratulations to Flushing Hospital’s Father Bryan Carney

Father Bryan Carney, pastoral care staff member at Flushing Hospital Medical Center, serves as chaplain to the hospital and has become a familiar and friendly face that many in the community have come to know.

Often times when a patient and their family are given news of the status of their health, they find comfort in having Father Carney present to offer encouragement or spiritual support.  His other duties at the hospital include distributing religious materials, offering mass, spiritual counseling, offering prayer, visiting patients and families as well as notifying a families’ spiritual leader about a patient’s admission to Flushing Hospital.

Father Carney’s work at Flushing Hospital and in the community is highly regarded by hospital staff and it is for that reason we are proud to share that the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens have highlighted him and his ministry in the Catholic Appeal video.  The video follows a day in the work life of Father Carney as he interacts with patients and staff. It will be shown in all the diocesan churches throughout Brooklyn and Queens to raise awareness for the Hospital Chaplain Ministry.

Father Carney’s work at Flushing Hospital is invaluable as having him as a full-time pastoral care professional places the hospital in the unique position of being one of only a few to offer this level of service.

We congratulate Father Bryan Carney on the video and thank him for his dedication to helping Flushing Hospital provide quality services to our community.

Congratulations To This Month’s GEM

Every month, employees at Jamaica Hospital who go above and beyond to help coworkers, patients and visitors are nominated for the G.E.M award.

G.E.M stands for Going the Extra Mile and recipients are recognized for their hard work, team spirit, kindness, and professionalism.

This month’s G.E.M recipient is Georgia Martin, Social Worker, Social Work Department.

Congratulations and keep up the excellent work in helping us to serve our community.

Fr. Bryan Carney – Hospital Chaplain

Fr. Bryan Carney is our Pastoral Care staff member.  His duties include a variety of services such as patient and family visits, distributing religious literature, offering mass, offering prayers, spiritual counseling, as well as notifying a family pastor, priest, rabbi, imam, or spiritual leader upon your admission or at any time during your hospital stay.

At Flushing Hospital Medical Center (FHMC), we are fortunate to have Fr. Carney as a full time Pastoral Care Professional.  His work in and around the hospital is invaluable.  That is why we were so proud to have his work highlighted in the Brooklyn Diocese Catholic Appeal Video.

The video allows Fr. Carney to talk about his ministry at FHMC, contains interviews with administrators as well as his interaction with our staff.

Take a look at the video and congratulate Fr. Bryan Carney for all the work he does with the patients at Flushing Hospital Medical Center.