Jamaica Hospital Introduces Frankie

PetTherapy frankie the dogJamaica Hospital Medical Center is excited to introduce Frankie, our newest employee.

Frankie (a Golden Retriever) is a therapy dog. Together, with her mom/owner Julia, Frankie provides pet therapy to hospital patients.

Through the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, Jamaica Hospital’s Nursing Department was able to connect with Julia and Frankie, who generously volunteer their services to hospital patients and nursing home residents in the area.

The benefits of pet therapy are numerous. Most experts agree that pets excel as therapeutic agents and that dogs are an antidote to depression. Studies have also shown a decrease in both blood pressure and stress levels during therapy dog visits. Most importantly, therapy pets bring joy to patients and help distract them from their concerns.

Frankie’s first visit was to Jamaica Hospital’s Pediatric Unit where she was greeted warmly by both patients and staff. She plans to return monthly to spend time with patients throughout the hospital.

Jamaica Hospital looks forward to offering our patients with the many benefits associated with pet therapy.

Congratulations To This Month’s G.E.M. Honorees!

April Gem 2017Every month, employees at Jamaica Hospital who go above and beyond to help coworkers, patients and visitors are nominated for the G.E.M award.  G.E.M stands for Going the Extra Mile and recipients are recognized for their hard work, team spirit, kindness and professionalism.  This month’s G.E.M recipients are:


*Cheryl Gallotta-DiMassi, RN – Clinical Manager Nursing

*Marguerite Luizzo, RN – Volunteer

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Congratulations to you both. Keep up the excellent work in helping us to serve our community.

JHMC and FHMC Celebrate National Nutrition Month

JZumba National Nutrition Month 2017amaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center celebrated National Nutrition Month in March by hosting a series of fun and educational activities for the community as well as staff members.

The theme for this year’s celebration was, “Put Your Best Fork Forward,” an educational campaign promoted by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The focus of the campaign was to inform the public about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle by including physical activities and well-balanced meals as part of a routine.

The Nutritional Services Department at Jamaica Hospital kicked off National Nutrition Month in the hospital’s cafeteria by interacting with guests at the Wellness Table and placing educational cards on meal trays. Each week, the department kept staff and visitors informed and engaged with activities such as contests and recipe tastings. Employees were also invited to “get moving” during ZUMBA and self-defense classes and de-stress at meditation sessions held at the hospital’s fitness center. The Nutritional Services Department also coordinated the JHMC Health Fair on March 24th which was highly successful and well received.

FHMC National Nutrition MonthThroughout National Nutrition Month, Flushing Hospital’s Nutrition Department provided healthy alternative meals and recipes to cafeteria diners. The department also promoted the launch of the Walking Club; an initiative created to promote workplace wellness and encourage employees to exercise.

The highlight of the month came on National Registered Dietitian Day when New York City Councilman Peter Koo recognized Flushing Hospital dietitians for their community outreach initiatives. A representative from the Councilman’s office presented members of the Nutrition Department with a proclamation, commending them for their dedication to improving the health of the community.

Overall National Nutrition Month was a great success at Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center. Community outreach efforts were widely and positively received. The success of these events solidifies our relationship with our communities and reminds them that we are here to improve their overall health and wellness.

National Patient Safety Awareness Week

patient safety week 2017The week of March 12– 18 was National Patient Safety Awareness Week.  In recognition of this event, staff at Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center set up displays in the main lobbies to highlight each hospital’s safety initiatives.

The purpose of the event was to increase awareness about patient safety amongst health care professionals and the public.

Departments that participated in National Patient Safety Awareness Week included the blood bank, radiology, nursing, OR, performance improvement, pharmacy and infection control. Each department demonstrated ways they are striving to increase patient safety. Techniques which reduce patient falls, errors in prescription distribution and provide low dose CT scans were showcased to the community. Additionally, passersby learned how practicing good hand hygiene can help to control the spread of harmful germs and viruses

National Patient Safety Awareness Week was coordinated by Dr. Sabiha Raoof, Chairperson of Radiology, Chief Medical Officer and Patient Safety Officer and the Performance Improvement Department along with leaders from participating departments.

The top priority at Jamaica and Flushing Hospital is to provide high-quality care in a safe environment.

JHMC ER & Trauma Departments’ Research Receives National Recognition

Tablet computer on a desk - Health and MedicalDoctors from Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s departments of Emergency Medicine and Trauma services recently received national recognition for their research.

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine published an article co-written by members of Jamaica Hospital’s Trauma and ER doctors. The article, published this January was titled “Introduction of Pan-Scan Protocol for Blunt Trauma Activations: What are the Consequences?”

Pan-scans are a wide field-of-view CT imaging. The study objective of this research was to determine if the introduction of pan-scan as a protocol during an initial assessment of blunt force trauma patients would affect missed injuries, incidental findings, treatment times, radiation exposure and cost.

The study, which observed 220 patients during a pre pan-scan screening period and 206 during a pan-scan screening period, yielded some very interesting findings. To see the full results of the publication, visit https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27773351


NYC DOH Selects FHMC for QINCA Program and Awards Certificate of Excellence


QINCA 2017Flushing Hospital Medical Center has been selected as 1 out of 10 hospitals in New York City to participate in the Quality Improvement Network for Contraceptive Access (QINCA) program. The achievement comes on the heels of the hospital marking the highly significant milestone of delivering just over 3,000 babies –solidifying its place as a preferred destination in Queens for mothers to give birth.

The QINCA program –implemented by the New York City Department of Health, objective is to reduce the rate of unintended pregnancies of women living in the region. Each selected hospital participating in the initiative had to meet stringent requirements to qualify and fulfill the needs of their communities. Flushing Hospital excelled in providing contraceptive and family planning services and support to patients.

The hospital staff’s hard work in facilitating the program was recognized by the DOH-earning the group a certificate of excellence and a Quality Improvement Designation for the outpatient ambulatory care center. Key staff members that contributed to the hospital’s success included Dr. Georges Sylvestre, Chairman, Dr. Ipsita Chauhan, Asst. Director of Ob/Gyn ACC, Maria Smilios, Director of Nursing, Claude Thomas, Nurse Manager, Lauren Shore, CSW and Flo McCatty, Asst. Head Nurse.

Congratulations to the team for earning Flushing Hospital the recognition of being one of the premiere medical institutions in Queens to provide quality family planning and reproductive health services to the community.

JHMC Women’s Health Center & Family Medicine Clinic Receive Certificate of Excellence

QINCA 2017Congratulations to the Jamaica Hospital Women’s Health Center and Family Medicine Clinic for receiving the Certificate of Excellence from QINCA (Quality Improvement Network for Contraceptive Access). This is a great achievement as the hospital was 1 out of 10 hospitals, city-wide, chosen to participate in the program.

QINCA, a program implemented by the New York City Department of Health, aims to decrease the number of unintended pregnancies across the city by working with hospitals to provide contraceptive, family planning and primary care services to communities.   Jamaica Hospital was recognized for applying the best practices in providing these services.

The success of the QINCA program at Jamaica Hospital is due to the collaboration of multiple departments who shared the common goal of increasing patient safety and accessibility to contraceptive methods. Staff from the hospital’s Administrative, OB-GYN, Nursing, Pharmacy, IT, Finance and Ambulatory  Care departments worked together to build a sustainable patient care model and fulfill the requirements needed to be qualified as a QINCA FPBPP(Family Planning Benefit Program Provider).

The following individuals played key roles in the project’s success:


William Lynch, Executive Vice President and COO


Tamara Magloire MD

Steven R. Inglis, MD

Yafen Liang

Susan Khalil, MD

Family Medicine

Kamica Lewis MD


Colette Forde

Marge Lilienthal


William Tomasulo


Michael Callaghan

Adrian Laduca


Ana Guzman

Jennifer Stevens

Ambulatory Care

Wendy Munoz

Thalita Viruet

James Villavicencio

Congratulations to everyone for working together to achieve this great accomplishment and demonstrating that teamwork produces great rewards.


FHMC Participates in Chinese Community Health Fair

aca fhmc health fairAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the United States.

In  Asian- American communities, approximately one in every eight Asian-American men smoke cigarettes and nearly one in every forty Asian-American women smoke cigarettes.

Flushing Hospital Medical Center (FHMC) is committed to reaching out to the Asian-American community in an effort to share educational material and methods to quit smoking.

The hospital was pleased to support the New York State of Health,  Affordable Care Act (NYSOH ACA) event at the Taiwan Center Association in Flushing. Members of the FHMC Smoking Cessation Team participated in the event by discussing ways to quit smoking and sharing information on what effects smoking and second-hand smoke has on the body.

Over 300 participants went home with information about treatment options, such as nicotine replacement therapies, designed to provide individuals with a safe alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes.

Quitting smoking can be overwhelming.  Quitting is not only about breaking a powerful physical dependence on an extraordinarily addictive substance but also about significantly changing lifestyle habits and coping strategies that will ultimately improve the length and quality of life.

Flushing Hospital Medical Center offers a Freedom from Smoking Tobacco Cessation Program to help you overcome your addiction to tobacco and enjoy the benefits of better health.  For more information, please call 718-206-8494.

Dream Believers Team Exceeded Their Goal, Earns Spot as the Number One Fundraising Team in Queens

medisys dream believersBreast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women who live in the MediSys Health Network’s service area.  In an effort to reduce the number of fatalities and lessen the negative impact the disease has on our communities, our network proudly supports the American Cancer Society’s, “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” initiative to provide breast health services and information to women.

Each year,  the MediSys Health Network’s, “Dream Believers Team,” consisting of Flushing and Jamaica Hospital Medical Center staff coordinates events to educate the community and raise funds to help the American Cancer Society fight the disease.  In addition to fundraising and educational efforts, team members further demonstrate advocacy by participating in the annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk.

Over the years, the team’s dedication to raising funds to fight breast cancer has been recognized by the American Cancer Society but special recognition was given several weeks ago when the MediSys Dream Believers was named a Pacesetter Team and the number one fundraising team in Queens. The team rose over $30,000 for the American Cancer Society during the 2016 calendar year.

Team co-leader, Arlette Cunningham credits this great achievement to the hard work and support of hospital staff.  Cunningham hopes that MediSys Dream Believers will once again raise more than $30,000 this year and receive even more participation. “We are anticipating an increase in our numbers of walkers and supporters,” she shared.

To learn more about the MediSys Dream Believers Team and how you can support their mission, please call 718-206-6003.

Congratulations To This Month’s G.E.M Honorees

gem feb 2017 3 Every month, employees at Jamaica Hospital who go above and beyond to help coworkers, patients and visitors are nominated for the G.E.M award.  G.E.M stands for Going the Extra Mile and recipients are recognized for their hard work, team spirit, kindness and professionalism.  This month’s G.E.M recipients are:


*Elaina Odermatt, RN Clinical Manager

*3 North Nursing Staff Trump Pavilion

*Shareena Witherspoon, RN

Congratulations to you all. Keep up the excellent work in helping us to serve our community.

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