In an effort to encourage employees to improve their health, the MediSys Health Network has partnered with the Fitbit Corporation to offer staff the opportunity to purchase fitness trackers at a discounted price.
As part of their Corporate Wellness Program and partnership with MediSys, Fitbit will offer Network employees a 20% discount on a variety of trackers. To further incentivize staff to join the program, MediSys has agreed to pay an additional $20 towards the purchase price.
Those who are interested in taking advantage of this offer, which began on March 15th, should visit the specially created MediSys Fitbit storefront at and enter a special promo code, (three zeros plus your Kronos identification number). Each employee is permitted to purchase up to two trackers.
After your tracker arrives in the mail, simply download the Fitbit app, follow the enrollment instructions, and join the MediSys Wellness Program. Employees who already own a Fitbit tracker can still participate. All they have to do is contact the Program Administrator, who will invite them to join.
Once employees are enrolled, they can track their individual exercise statistics or share their activity with the rest of the group. Members will have the ability to participate in challenges and games that include: determining who has taken the most steps, who has climbed the most stairs, or who has burned the most calories. The purpose of these friendly challenges is to motivate employees to live a healthier lifestyle through exercise.
This offer is only available for the first 250 devices. For more information about joining the MediSys and Fitbit Corporate Wellness Program, please contact Program Administrator, Josh, Sclair at [email protected] or 718-206-8918.