Congratulations To Flushing Hospital’s Good Catch Recipients

Flushing Hospital employees who go above and beyond to ensure the safety of our patients are recognized and awarded a certificate of excellence for their Good Catch.

Good Catch nominees receive recognition based on their actions in preventing accidents from occurring. These actions may include correcting a medication order, preventing a patient from falling or reporting a significant change in a patient’s status.

Please join us in congratulating the following  employees on their  Good Catch:

Michael Bosco, Pharmacy
Ellen Alarcon, Radiology

By identifying a problem before it became a patient safety issue, our nominees have helped Flushing Hospital to provide patients with excellent care.

To our Good Catch recipients, thank you for being exemplary members of our team and contributing to our goal of being a High-Reliability Hospital.

Respiratory Care Week at the MediSys Health Network

Last month, Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center celebrated Respiratory Care week by hosting a series of educational events.

Both hospitals aimed to raise awareness of various lung diseases such as COPD and asthma, and inform their communities about practices utilized by respiratory therapists to treat these issues. Members of each hospital’s Respiratory Care Department also demonstrated how to operate several respiratory devices.

The Respiratory Care Department at Jamaica Hospital conducted demonstrations and displayed educational materials in the hospital’s cafeteria.  Guests and staff participated in interactive exercises in which they learned about the life-saving services respiratory therapists provide. The week ended with an asthma education and device training session for healthcare professionals that included residents, pharmacists, case managers and nurses.  Devices such as meter dose inhalers, spacers and peak flow meters were demonstrated to attendees.

Flushing Hospital celebrated Respiratory Care Week by hosting workshops for therapists throughout the week. The Respiratory Care Department also displayed educational boards in the hospital’s main lobby and engaged guests in trivia that included interesting respiratory facts and the history of respiratory care.

Respiratory care therapists play a vital role in the community and MediSys Health Network’s healthcare team.  They deliver care in various medical settings throughout the network including ICU’s, sleep centers, outpatient clinics, pulmonary clinics and operating rooms. Each day, respiratory therapists work side-by-side with doctors, nurses and other healthcare practitioners to ensure that patients receive excellent care.

Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Launch Their Patient And Family Advisory Councils

Jamaica Hospital Medical Center and Flushing Hospital Medical Center each held their inaugural Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) meetings on October 14th and 15th respectively. The PFAC meetings are a product of our collaboration with the Planetree initiative and mark a significant step in the MediSys Health Network’s path to becoming a person-centered organization.

PFAC was established to provide our hospitals with a fresh perspective, from the eyes of our patients, and use that knowledge to potentially transform how we deliver care. At these meetings, patients and their family members are asked to share their experiences while at our hospitals and provide feedback about what we are doing well as well as how we can continue to make improvements.

These dedicated individuals, known as PFAC advisors, will meet monthly with an interdisciplinary group of hospital team members. These advisors were specially selected based on the meaningful interactions they had with our team while either they or their loved ones were rendered care at our hospitals. The advisors’ insights serve as valuable information, as we look to continue to improve our patients’ experiences.

We would like to acknowledge these valuable members not only for volunteering their time but also for their passion for improving caring interactions within the walls of our institutions, which many of us call our second home.  The first two advisors to join Jamaica Hospital’s Patient and Family Advisory Council are Caridad Diaz and Lydia Guzman.  Runa Khan and Andrew Sheppard have both graciously agreed to serve as Flushing Hospital’s PFAC advisors.

The advisors meet on the second Monday of every month at Jamaica Hospital and third Tuesday at Flushing Hospital. Each of them has made a two-year commitment to the Patient and Family Advisory Council.

For more information about the PFAC program at Jamaica Hospital, please contact Emilia Escamilla-Rebaza at 718-206-8983 or email her at [email protected].

For more information about the PFAC program at Flushing Hospital, please contact Daryl Arcinas at 718-670-8930 or e-mail him at [email protected].

Jamaica Hospital’s ER Earns Clinical Ultrasound Accreditation

Jamaica Hospital Medical Center is proud to announce that its Emergency Department recently received Clinical Ultrasound Accreditation by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP).

Clinical ultrasound is the real-time performance and interpretation of ultrasound by a physician at the bedside to diagnose, monitor, and treat medical conditions.

Jamaica Hospital’s emergency department physicians are now trained to utilize ultrasound to guide them during complex procedures and help them expedite the correct diagnosis for many life-threatening conditions such as abdominal aneurysms, ectopic pregnancies, and internal bleeding. This diagnosis can be made within minutes, ultimately resulting in faster treatment and better patient outcomes.

Accreditation by the American College of Physicians indicates that Jamaica Hospital’s Emergency Ultrasound Program meets the high standards set forth by ACEP in the Ultrasound Guidelines: Emergency, Point-of-Care and Clinical Ultrasound Guidelines in Medicine.  The hospital’s program has met ACEP standards in all areas including administration, performing and interpreting ultrasound examinations, and patient confidentiality and privacy

In addition, accreditation required the hospital’s emergency physicians to be credentialed in emergency ultrasound – a process that requires extensive training and continuing education. There are currently 11 emergency physicians who meet these requirements. They are:

Celine Thum, MD
Morgan Chen, MD
Abujeet Kaur, MD
Susan Philipose, MD
Shi-Wen Lee, DO
Melvin Ku, MD
Wing Tom, MD
Lauryn Ksoturko, MD
Iain Jeffrey, MD
Anthony Almeida, MD
Austin Choi, MD

Jamaica Hospital was one of only a handful of hospitals in New York State, and the only one in Queens to obtain ACEP’s Clinical Ultrasound Accreditation.  This designation is a testament to the continued high quality of care provided by Jamaica Hospital’s Emergency Department.  According to Celine Thum, MD, FAAEM, Director of Emergency Ultrasound, “Point-of-care ultrasound is an integral part of how emergency care is delivered at Jamaica Hospital and has already had a positive impact on our patients. Our doctors have used this technology to identify emergent pathologies in patients, which has resulted in positive outcomes and lives saved.”

Geoffrey Doughlin, MD, Chairman of Emergency Medicine added, “We are proud to have achieved this accreditation by the American College of Emergency Physicians as it demonstrates that Jamaica Hospital is among the best in the world at delivering point-of-care emergency ultrasound.”

Angels on the Bay

On Tuesday evening October 15th, Angels on the Bay held their 24th annual Anniversary Ball at Russo’s on the Bay in Howard Beach.

Angels on the Bay is a non-profit corporation, founded by the Russo family the proprietors of Russo’s On The Bay and members of the community to raise funds for children’s programs and health care services.  The organization’s primary goal is to help make a difference in the lives of children who are challenged by physical limitations, developmental disadvantages, and life-threatening diseases. To date, they have raised over $3.9 million dollars to help these causes.

This year, Flushing Hospital Medical Center and other hospitals within our region were awarded checks to support initiatives that provide care to pediatric patients.

Over the years, Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center have received a total of approximately $720,000 in donations from Angels on the Bay.

We thank Angels on the Bay for their generosity and support.   The MediSys Health Network looks forward to continuing our mission to improve the lives of our pediatric patients.

Jamaica Hospital’s Dr. Gina Basello Receives National Caregiver of The Year Award

Dr. Gina Basello, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s Vice-Chairperson and Residency Program Director of Family Medicine and Associate Director of the Hospice & Palliative Medicine Fellowship, was recently presented with the National Compassionate Caregiver of the Year Award.

The award was given to Dr. Basello at the conclusion of the Schwartz Rounds and came as a complete surprise.

According to the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Care, the pioneering organization of the Schwartz Rounds, “Finalists represent healthcare professionals who make a profound difference through their unmatched dedication to compassionate collaborative care.” Dr. Basello was recognized for demonstrating a high level of compassionate care to patients and her devotion to creating “psychologically safe” spaces for healthcare providers to reconnect with themselves and the hospital’s mission.

Dr.  Basello’s passion for engaging patients and families in a culturally sensitive and person-centered manner is often reflected in her efforts to nurture the next generation of compassionate physicians.  Members of her team consistently receive high patient experience and satisfaction scores.

As a staunch advocate for providing a platform where healthcare workers can share their experiences in a supportive environment, Dr. Basello serves as a program moderator for the Schwartz Rounds at Jamaica Hospital.  The program was adopted by the hospital as part of its initiative to provide employees with a forum in which they could openly discuss emotional and social challenges encountered while caring for patients.

We recognize Dr. Gina Basello for all her achievements and congratulate her on receiving this well-deserved award.


Flushing Hospital Medical Center (FHMC) employees hit another grand slam last month, at their Third Annual Softball Tournament and Family Day.

Employees from  Flushing Hospital participated in playing ball, volunteering, cheerleading or just being a spectator. Teams of players from Jamaica Hospital Medical Center and Healthfirst also participated in the day’s activities.

The event took place at Cunningham Park where employees and their families were treated to a delicious BBQ,  home-cooked specialties, face painting, balloons and healthy snacks.

“I take great pride in organizing this event.  It’s getting bigger and better each year. This year, even the weather cooperated! Coming together as a team is a true moral builder.” stated Rob Arbitello, the event organizer.

FHMC leaders Bruce Flanz; President and CEO, Robert Levine; VP and COO, and Catherine Ferrari; Administrator, were, as always,  on hand to watch the game and encourage the teams, They joined employees’ family members in cheering for every run scored.

“I want to thank our hospital’s Administration for their support. Knowing they were on the sidelines really meant a lot.  The event takes time to prepare, but it is a labor of love.” stated Rob Arbitello. “Healthfirst is a true partner in this event and they are this year’s Champs!”

The Third Annual Softball Tournament and Family Day was an even bigger success than last year’s tournament.  The hospital is looking forward to the 2020 gathering and games.

In The News: Flushing Hospital’s Dr. Chad P. Gehani Elected President of The American Dental Association

Founded in 1859, the American Dental Association (ADA) is our nation’s oldest and largest dental association.  For more than 150 years the organization has been known nationally and internationally as the leading resource for all things related to oral health. Many of the oral care guidelines we are familiar with today were established by the American Dental Association and hundreds of dental care products that we use proudly bear the ADA’s Seal of Acceptance as a symbol of quality assurance.

Recently chosen to lead this globally recognized and influential American institution is Flushing Hospital Medical Center’s own Dr. Chad P. Gehani, Chair of Endodontics. Dr. Gehani was elected as the 156th President of the American Dental Association in September.

As President, Dr. Gehani describes his role as a servant-leader.   He will lead close to 200,000 members of the ADA while advocating for patients’ rights to access quality oral healthcare.

In addition to serving as President of the ADA, Dr. Gehani will continue to serve as a teacher and mentor to dental residents at Flushing Hospital.  “My religious place is teaching at the hospital,” shared Dr. Gehani in a recent interview with NY1 News.

“We are proud to have Dr. Gehani as Chair of Endodontics at Flushing Hospital and just as proud that he has been elected President of the American Dental Association.  Dr. Gehani abides by a strict code of ethics which is reflected in the work that he does.  He is community-oriented which is the culture promoted here at our hospital,” said Mr. Robert Levine, Executive Vice President and COO of Flushing Hospital. As Chair of Endodontics for the hospital, Dr. Gehani’s goal is to offer high-quality dental services to patients and provide resources that will benefit the community.

Each year, Flushing Hospital collaborates with the American Dental Association to promote the Give Kids a Smile Program, providing a day of free preventative dental care to children in the community.   The hospital’s dental department also offers free dental screenings, oral cancer screenings, and oral health education in schools, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and several local organizations.

Celebrating World Breast Feeding Week

During the summer, Jamaica Hospital and Flushing Hospital Medical Center joined a worldwide initiative to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week. This year’s slogan was: Empower Parents, Enable Breastfeeding Now and for the Future.

Jamaica and Flushing Hospital raised awareness by holding a series of events such as hosting educational tables in the main lobby of each hospital to promote breastfeeding, participating at Jamaica Hospital’s farmers market, visiting libraries, and speaking at “Mommy and Me” classes about the importance and benefits of exclusive breastfeeding.

Educating and supporting families about their choice to breastfeed is a long-standing priority at Jamaica and  Flushing Hospital. Each hospital provides breastfeeding classes and support groups to their communities and offers a Mother’s Nursing Room- a private room for mothers to breastfeed or express milk.  These rooms are located on the ground floors of the hospitals’ main lobbies.

Jamaica and Flushing Hospital are proud to be the recipients of the Baby-Friendly USA Designation.  The Baby-Friendly designation is a globally known and prestigious recognition awarded to our hospitals because we uphold the highest quality breastfeeding and maternal care guidelines.  The designation is only awarded to organizations that demonstrate a full commitment to providing the best possible support for breastfeeding mothers and ensuring a high quality of mother/baby care.

Family Medicine Mission to Kenya

On August 21st five physicians from Jamaica Hospital’s Family Medicine Department departed on a ten-day mission to Lare, Kenya as part of a coordinated medical effort.  The medical team was led by Dr. Kamica Lewis and Dr. Maria Perfetto-Tullo and also included three third-year residents,  Dr. Andrew Flowers, Dr. Melissa Bhikham and Dr. Colleen Hautzinger.

Lare is a small community located 4 ½ hours away from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. The town does not have a hospital, only a small clinic, a medical assistant and a few midwives who provide care to the approximately 10,000 people who live in this area. The clinic is where people come to for most of their medical needs, but for more serious cases they must be transported by car or ambulance to the nearest hospital which is over an hour away.

In the short time that Jamaica Hospital’s medical team was in Lare, they treated over 1,000 patients. Some of the medical care provided included wound care, OMT, suturing, laceration repair and management of chronic illnesses such as unstable HIV, seizure management, diabetes, hypertension and asthma. Dr. Lewis estimates that 35% of the cases they treated were ER worthy.

The opportunity to send our Family Medicine team was made possible by former Jamaica Hospital Medical Center Dental program graduate, Dr. Joseph Pantaleo, who organized the trip. Dr. Pantaleo and Dr. Lewis are both graduates of St. Francis Prep in Queens. The school is run by Franciscan Brothers. They have a sister school in Lare, Kenya and that is how this community was selected as a place to provide medical and dental care.

The team also provided educational classes to the students at the high school in Lare.  In addition to providing care to the people that they saw, they also helped to get the government of Kenya to fund the rebuilding of a medical clinic which has vastly improved the conditions for the medical providers.

Dr. Lewis finds this work very rewarding. She has participated in 12 overseas medical missions and intends to continue to increase the program. A Grand Rounds is being planned in the Fall to present the findings of the most recent trip.