Flushing Hospital Receives Grant To Continue Efforts To Prevent Congenital CMV

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus that can affect people of all ages. In fact, over half of all adults have been infected with CMV by the age of 40, but in most healthy adults, the immune system will prevent the virus from causing illness while some may experience mild symptoms such as fever or sore throat.

Although CMV is not considered a serious problem for most, when CMV is passed from a pregnant woman to her unborn child, this is referred to as congenital CMV. One out of every 200 children are born with congenital CMV each year, making it one of the most common viral infections in the United States. While 10-15% of infants with congenital CMV have clinical symptoms at birth, some babies with congenital CMV without clinical symptoms at birth develop health problems later in life. Children born with congenital CMV may develop permanent medical conditions and disabilities, such as hearing loss detectable after birth or even later in life, developmental and motor delay, vision loss, and seizures.

Understanding the importance of preventing congenital CMV, Flushing Hospital Medical Center recently initiated a newborn screening protocol for all babies born at the hospital who are suspected of having a hearing impairment. This screening program is interdisciplinary as it involves the coordinated efforts of the Pediatric, Neonatology and Audiology Departments. If a suspected newborn is diagnosed with congenital CMV, the hospital can provide referral to Early Intervention, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, and Pediatric ENT (Ears, Nose and Throat specialists) to help improve complications associated with hearing loss and other potential neurological and developmental outcomes.

In addition to the screening program, Flushing Hospital has also concentrated its efforts on providing education and support to the community about CMV.  The hospital now also offers multi-lingual materials explaining how to prevent infection during pregnancy as well as early warning signs for CMV in newborns. This information is available in the prenatal and pediatric outpatient waiting areas of Flushing Hospital.

For their efforts, Flushing Hospital was recently awarded an $8,000 grant by the National CMV Foundation. Flushing Hospital is one of only three hospitals nationally to receive this grant.   With the additional funds, the hospital plans to increase awareness through a series of community-based and digital initiatives.

Thank you to Dr. Shirley Pinero-Bernardo, Vice-Chair of Pediatrics, Dr. Lourdes Cohen, Director of Neonatology, and Maria Smilios, Director of Nursing-Maternal and Child Services and their staff for organizing this effort and improving the outcomes of patients and families with congenital CMV.

Congratulations To This Month’s Jamaica Hospital GEMS

Every month, employees at Jamaica Hospital who go above and beyond to help coworkers, patients and visitors are nominated for the G.E.M award.

G.E.M stands for Going the Extra Mile and recipients are recognized for their hard work, team spirit, kindness, and professionalism.

This month’s G.E.M recipients are:

Frank Block – Security

Ana Pacora – Administration

Congratulations to you both. Keep up the excellent work in helping us to serve our community.

Flushing Hospital Receives Healthgrades 2019 Women’s Care Excellence Awards

Healthgrades, a leading online resource for information about physicians and hospitals, recently revealed its list of recipients for their 2019 Women’s Care Excellence Awards – and Flushing Hospital Medical Center is among the privileged and few recipients.

These awards recognize hospitals across the nation that demonstrate exceptional outcomes and excel in women’s healthcare services. The awards were broken down into three separate categories, including:

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence Award – This award highlights hospitals for exceptional clinical outcomes while caring for women in childbirth, as well as during and after gynecologic surgeries and procedures.
  • Labor and Delivery Excellence Award – This distinction recognizes the top 10 % of all hospitals evaluated for the exceptional care provided to mothers during and after labor and delivery.
  • Gynecologic Surgery Excellence Award – This award recognizes the top 10% of hospitals evaluated that provided outstanding performance in gynecologic surgery, including hysterectomy and surgery related to the female reproductive system.

Flushing Hospital received all three awards and was the only hospital in Queens to receive the Gynecologic Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence awards.

According to Maria Smilios, Director of Nursing, “Flushing Hospital has done many things that have contributed to earning these awards, including creating standards to prevent inducing labor before 39 weeks gestation to reduce the chances of complications at birth.” Maria added that “providing our patients with continuity of care throughout their pregnancy and stressing the importance of maintaining proper prenatal care have also been major factors in our success.”  Other reasons to cite the hospital receiving these accolades include having dedicated gynecologists and gyn specialists on staff, as well as the addition of the daVinci robotic surgical system,  which has improved gynecological surgical outcomes for Flushing Hospital patients.

Approximately 3,000 babies are delivered at Flushing Hospital every year. The gynecology division performed over 1,500 procedures in 2018 and the hospital’s Women’s Health Center had nearly 14,000 outpatient visits last year.

“We are honored to receive these awards” stated Dr. Hajoon Chun, Chairman of Ob/Gyn at Flushing Hospital Medical Center. “It signifies the hospital’s dedication to providing the highest quality care to women in our community and is another example of why Flushing Hospital is the hospital of choice for so many seeking obstetrical and gynecological care.”

Congratulations to all of the physicians, nurses, and support staff responsible in earning this recognition.

Honoring A Son’s Legacy

One day in 2016, Jacqueline Messina received a phone call no mother wants to receive.  Her son Anthony was in the ICU and she needed to come to Jamaica Hospital.

When she arrived she couldn’t believe her eyes. Anthony was sedated and on a ventilator. He was not the 24-year-old boisterous young man she knew; he was unresponsive. While they hoped and prayed daily with Father Andre that he would wake up and return to his family after rehabilitation, the prognosis grew worse as the days past.  His brain injuries were escalating versus improving.  The hospital’s Palliative Care team came to visit her in the ICU and she completely went silent.  Jacqueline had no idea what the words “palliative care” even meant.

“It was an extremely difficult moment for our family. Who anticipates palliative and hospice care? We sat his brothers down and explained the next steps, but in our hearts, we were still confused about how his life was ending, a parent never imagines this.” One additional factor was Anthony’s grandmother.  “They were so close and she was diagnosed with breast cancer the day of his accident,” shared Jacqueline.  “I remember us trying to be strong for her despite my heart breaking because I was worried about how losing Anthony would affect her health and upcoming treatment.”

“I am not sure we could have endured this experience on our own. Thankfully we had the support of everyone on Jamaica Hospital’s hospice unit. They did so much to help my husband and boys as well as Anthony’s grandmother. They made sure the rest of our family and friends were well cared for,” she said.

Hours before his passing, Anthony was admitted to Jamaica Hospital’s Ferrara Family Center for Hospice Care after being transferred from the ICU.  Jacqueline did not know what to expect,   “I was anxious at first.  I must have asked a million questions.”

Jacqueline’s anxieties subsided when she was greeted by a warm staff that addressed her concerns and treated her with compassion. They ensured her that Anthony was in good hands and they would do everything they could to make him comfortable. “The level of service we received was outstanding. The staff did more than what was needed during his time with us and after. They were amazing,” said Jacqueline.

Jacqueline Messina

The staff’s devotion to Anthony and his family inspired Jacqueline to give back. She donates to the hospice every year in honor of her son’s legacy.  “When Anthony died, I wanted to make sure others had the same comfort that he did.  This is why I work hard every year to accumulate volunteer hours of which my company Bloomberg L.P.  converts into funds for charity.  The program is called “Dollars for Your Hours” and I proudly support the Ferrara Family Center for Hospice Care with this gift,” shared Jacqueline.

The Ferrara Family for Hospice Care provides comfort care for those with life-limiting illnesses. Great pride is taken by their staff in providing patients and families with quality medical services as well as the emotional and spiritual support needed to help them through a challenging time.

To donate to the Ferrara Family Center for Hospice Care, please visit https://jamaicahospital.org/ways-to-give/

Grand Rounds Presented by Mr. Dennis Wagner

In an effort to reach our goal of becoming a patient-centered, high reliability healthcare system, the MediSys Health Network has implemented several initiatives to help us as we continue to transition into a patient-centered care delivery model. One such initiative is inviting influential health care leaders to be keynote speakers at our network grand rounds.

On Friday August 2nd MediSys welcomed a very special guest to present at  Grand Rounds,  Dennis Wagner, MPA – Director of Quality Improvement and Innovation Group Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (CMS), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The title of this program was: Choosing to Lead – Leadership Mindsets to Generate Results for Yourself and Others.

During his discussion, Mr. Wagner identified various key CMS objectives and ways that leadership can utilize each one to create a highly successful patient-centered model of care. These objectives included:

  • Empowering patients
  • Focusing on results
  • Unleashing innovation

Mr. Wagner also spoke about having effective questions that will help all of us to invent our own pathways to change. We should be asking questions like:

  • What is working?
  • What is causing it to work?
  • What are our objectives?
  • What should we do more of, better or differently?
  • We should not be asking “Why did you do that?”

Mr. Wagner ended his Grand Rounds presentation by thanking MediSys Health Network’s leadership for their commitment to building and strengthening relationships with patients, providers, quality improvement organizations and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. He also thanked other attendees for doing their part to improve and transform our nation’s health care system.

The Grand Rounds presentation was given to a packed auditorium of Jamaica Hospital doctors, nurses, and administrators. The Flushing Hospital staff was able to participate via video conference as well. Everyone in attendance greatly appreciated and benefitted from Mr. Wagner’s presentation.

Congratulations to Flushing Hospital’s Good Catch Recipients

Every month, Flushing Hospital Medical Center recognizes employees for their contributions to patient safety.

Employees who go above and beyond to ensure the safety of our patients are recognized and awarded a Certificate of Excellence for their Good Catch.

Join us in congratulating:

Janet Reiss- Psychiatry

Mary Halder- Blood Bank

Good Catch nominees receive recognition based on their actions in preventing the potential harm of patients. These actions may include correcting a medication order, preventing a patient from falling or reporting a significant change in a patient’s status.

By identifying a problem before it became a patient safety issue, our nominees have helped Flushing Hospital to improve our quality in patient care.

To our Good Catch recipients, thank you for being exemplary members of our team and contributing to our goal of being a High-Reliability Hospital.

Congratulations To Jamaica Hospital’s Good Catch Recipients

Every month, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center recognizes employees for their contributions to patient safety.

Employees who go above and beyond to ensure the safety of our patients are recognized and awarded a Certificate of Excellence for their Good Catch.

Join us in congratulating:

Melissa Florival, Social Worker

Dropattie Ramsammy, RN

Gustave Smith, Environmental Services

Jelva Smith, SCA

Divis Desintonio, Staff Associate

Dr. Hemanth Chitneni, Resident Psychiatry

Eduard Kandov, RN

Kretika Johnson, RN

Ruth Dunaboyina, LPN

Denise Dicks, Staffing Associate

Abu-Sabe Mohammad, Lead Echo Tech

Edward Agusto, Environmental Services

Mindy Ruiz, Administrative Assistant

Good Catch nominees receive recognition based on their actions in preventing the potential harm of patients. These actions may include correcting a medication order, preventing a patient fall or reporting a significant change in patient status.

By identifying a problem before it could have become a patient safety issue, our nominees have helped Jamaica Hospital to improve our quality in patient care.

To our Good Catch recipients, thank you for being exemplary members of our team and contributing to our goal of being a High-Reliability Hospital.

Congrats To This Month’s Flushing Hospital GEMS

Every month, employees at Flushing Hospital who go above and beyond to help coworkers, patients and visitors are nominated for the G.E.M award.

G.E.M stands for Going the Extra Mile and recipients are recognized for their hard work, team spirit, kindness, and professionalism.

This month’s G.E.M recipients are:

Janet Reiss- Mental Health
Abbey Jacobs- Wound Care 

Congratulations to you both. Keep up the excellent work in helping us to serve our community.

Congratulations To This Month’s GEMS

Every month, employees at Jamaica Hospital who go above and beyond to help coworkers, patients and visitors are nominated for the G.E.M award.

G.E.M stands for Going the Extra Mile and recipients are recognized for their hard work, team spirit, kindness, and professionalism.

This month’s G.E.M recipients are:

Jafra Wilson-Security
Jung-Sik Kim- 

Congratulations to you both. Keep up the excellent work in helping us to serve our community.

Giving Patients The Gift of Reading

Improving overall patient experience is a top priority for the Person-Centered Services Department at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center.  The department has implemented several quality assurance initiatives and is constantly exploring new ways to bolster patient satisfaction.

One of their newest initiatives involves providing patients with an escape from clinical environments by way of reading.  “We want patients to feel relaxed and take their minds away from what may be a stressful situation.  Books will help them to transcend to any place their imaginations will take them,” explains Emilia Escamilla-Rebaza, Director of  Person-Centered Services. “We are collecting new and gently used books and magazines. All will benefit the patients and family members of our hospital.”

Donations can be dropped off at the Jamaica Hospital A/B Building room 535 or in the drop box located in the hospital’s admitting office.

For questions, please contact Person-Centered Services at 718-206-8798 or email [email protected]