Baby Girl Shirin
The birth of the first baby in the New Year is one of the most anticipated and celebrated moments across New York City. To receive the recognition as the hospital to deliver the City’s first baby is one that garners great pride.
Flushing Hospital Medical Center is proud to announce that it has had the distinguished honor of delivering the first baby born in New York City in 2018. “It’s an absolute thrill to have the honor of being the hospital where the first baby of the New Year is born,” stated Public Affairs spokesperson Dr. Andrew Rubin.
On Monday, January 1st at 12:01 a.m., the hospital’s labor and delivery team welcomed baby girl Kazi Ariana Shirin. As reported, the bouncing baby arrived a few days earlier than her anticipated due date to ring in the New Year. Ariana’s parents Tania and Nazir were grateful to the staff for ensuring the safe and successful delivery of their first-born child. The baby’s father told New York Daily News reporters, the baby’s birth “Was a big celebration. All the nurses, doctors, they cooperated. And we were so amazed because we feel very special.” (Full Daily News article http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/queens/baby-2018-born-flushing-hospital-queens-article-1.3731089)
The joy of baby Shirin’s birth felt familiar to several members of the team because it was only last year that Flushing Hospital celebrated the delivery of baby boy Nathan Peralta; who also nabbed the title of New York City’s First Baby. He was born at 12:08 a.m.

Baby Girl Bari
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center rang in 2018 by celebrating its first birth for the New Year at 1:08 a.m. Baby girl Bari arrived safely thanks to the hospital’s labor and delivery team, who worked tirelessly to ensure a positive outcome. The baby’s mother Fatima and grandmother Indranie shared this statement with the community, “A special thank you to all the doctors and nurses at Jamaica Hospital for all you have done to welcome my little angel into this world, safely. You are the best.”
Congratulations to the families on their newest additions. We wish them a lifetime of happiness. Our congratulations also go to the staff at Flushing and Jamaica Hospital that assisted with these special deliveries. Your hard work and commitment to patient safety are greatly appreciated by all.