Jamaica and Flushing Hospitals Celebrate Nursing Week

In celebration of National Nurses Week, held from May 6th to May 12th, Jamaica and Flushing Hospitals organized a wide variety of events to show their appreciation to their dedicated nursing staff.

At Jamaica Hospital, the week began with an award ceremony to recognize nurses of distinction and continued with a wellness fair and cake and ice cream party. Nurses Beth Palmas , CNM (St. Albans), Darshani Singh, RN, (ER), Ruth Pido (Pediatric ER), and Anna Nicdao (4 North) were awarded. Team awards were also distributed to 6 South (Royal Award), PACU (TeamSTEPPS Award), 3 North and ED (Skin Care Team Award), Maternal Child Services (Quality Improvement Award) and the Stroke Unit (Gold Achievement Award).

There was also a staff appreciation day and a movie night.  The week ended with a cultural diversity luncheon and fashion show, filled with delicious food, music and dancing, and an award ceremony organized by the American Nurses Association.

“Nurses are an integral part of patient care and we are always excited about the opportunity to acknowledge and show our nurses just how much they mean to the health community,” said Salve Torres, Director of Nursing at Jamaica Hospital.

Flushing Hospital held a cultural diversity luncheon as well, where an assortment of delectable dishes was on display.

“Flushing represents one of the most diverse towns in the borough of Queens, and we are very pleased that our nursing staff reflects this diversity,” said Ruben Silvestre, Director of Nursing and Patient Services at Flushing Hospital.  “It was important to organize an event that honored their commitment to our institution, as well as celebrate their diversities.”

To all of our nurses, your work is appreciated and we thank you!!

Flushing Hospital Promotes “Good Catches” to Improve Patient Safety

Identifying critical events and improving the level of patient safety provided has always been a priority at Flushing Hospital Medical Center. The implementation of the Good Catch program highlights the hospital’s dedication to this effort.

The Good Catch program was created to provide employees with an opportunity to share their corrective actions or interventions, in hopes to reduce adverse patient outcomes.

According to Robert Levine, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, “the goals of the Good Catch program are threefold: to encourage identification of potential errors, to recognize our staff for identifying issues, and to share our findings across the organization.”

Rehana Jamali, Medication Safety Officer added, “Flushing Hospital is committed to developing new safety strategies by listening to the efforts our staff has taken to prevent any incidents that could potentially cause adverse outcomes to those we care for.”

Employees who wish to report a Good Catch are encouraged to complete a Good Catch Reporting Form. All submissions will be sent to the Patient Safety Officer and shared with the Good Catch Committee for implementation. Everyone who submits a report will be recognized with a personalized thank you card and those who submit a noteworthy entry will receive an Excellence in Patient Safety award from Administration for their efforts.

The Good Catch program is currently being piloted on the hospital’s pediatric and surgical units. The plan is to eventually expand the program throughout the hospital in the near future. “Patient Safety is a priority for the institution and our hospital staff play an integral role in designing safe systems for the delivery of patient care,” stated Rehana.

For more information about the Good Catch program, please contact Rehana Jamali at 718-670-8793.

Jamaica Hospital Recognizes National Healthcare Decisions Day

In an effort to highlight the importance of advance healthcare decision making, Jamaica Hospital joined other state, local and community organizations from across the country to recognize National Healthcare Decision Day, on Wednesday, April 16th.

During the event, members of Jamaica Hospital’s Palliative Care Department were available in the hospital’s cafeteria to help employees and members of the community better understand advance directives, which includes the creation of a living will and designating a healthcare power of attorney. The Palliative Care team also provided information and tools to help individuals discuss their wishes aboout this very important and sometimes difficult topic with family, friends, and healthcare providers.

“As a result of National Healthcare Decision Day, many employees and people in our community can now have thoughtful conversations about their healthcare decisions. They are also now prepared to effectively complete reliable advance directives to make their wishes known,” stated Dr. Aamira Tahir, Pallitive Care Department.

For more information about advance directives and other healthcare decisions, please call the Palliative Care Department at 718-206-6914.

Jamaica Hospital Increases Efforts to Connect with the Community

First impressions can be lasting, which is why Jamaica Hospital recently redesigned their website. In this day in age, everyone knows that the internet is used to research everything—including hospitals. When people visit www.jamaicahospital.org, they are now welcomed to a nicely colored and easy-to-navigate website.

The clean layout allows visitors to easily search patient and clinical services, employment opportunities, health information, general hospital information, and much more. They can also benefit from several new sections on the website, including the “employee section” and “find a doctor” feature.  An interactive campus map and a mobile version of the site will be available in the very near future.

“The internet is a valuable tool for hospitals,” said Michael Hinck, Director of Public Affairs. “There is a lot of web traffic to our site and having an updated and modern looking webpage is necessary. It has become very important for the hospital to improve its presence on the internet.”

In addition to redesigning their website, Jamaica Hospital just launched a social media campaign as well. The facility now boasts active Facebook and Twitter accounts, and will use the two platforms to better connect with the community. On these sites, information will be provided on a wide variety of health topics, such as asthma, obesity, diabetes, smoking, prenatal care, and hypertension. There will also be poll and trivia questions, lifestlye and parenting tips, and healthy recipes.

“Through these efforts, we really hope to engage more with the community and to become a valuable resource for them,” Michael added. “We want to strengthen ties with our community, as we look to replicate these efforts at  Flushing Hospital as well”

The redesign of Flushing Hospital’s website is now underway and their social media campaign is slated to kickoff later this year.


Jamaica Hospital Hosts Second Annual Earth Day Expo

On April 22, in celebration of National Earth Day, “ecoMediSys,” a committee dedicated to identifying and implementing ecological programs throughout the hospital network, held its second annual earth expo. Several tables were set up in Jamaica Hospital’s hospital lobby, where departments exhibited their ecofriendly efforts. Some of these efforts included recycling, using environmentally friendly products, and conserving energy. There was also an exhibit that highlighted the benefits of using mass transit and participating in ride share programs.

“As we continue to make strides to better the environment, to better our community, and to better our hospital, we realize that education is a crucial part of the process,” said Fred Beekman, Vice President of Ambulatory Care. “Our expo is a great way to educate our employees and the community about our ecological initiatives and we hope that they begin to make similar efforts to reduce waste, increase recycling, and conserve energy.”

The event also served to recognize Ray Fredericks, Jr., Assistant Director at Jamaica Hospital’s Print Shop. Several years ago, Ray spearheaded a paper shredding campaign to properly discard confidential documents. As a result, the hospital saved money and tons of paper was recycled. The success of the program was tremendous and the program was expanded to include all waste paper not just confidential documents.

Under Ray’s leadership, the program recycles over 150 tons of paper annually. This saves over 2,500 trees each year and greatly reduces the hospital’s carbon footprint. Given the number of years the program has been in operation, Ray and his team has essentially saved a small forest.

“Being recognized is very flattering,” said Ray. “What started as a way to be HIPPA compliant (the shredding of confidential information) has grown into an incredible eco-friendly and cost saving effort for the hospital.”

He added: “All of the staff from our Melville site, the Print Shop and the Mail Room who are involved in the coordination of scheduling, making the actual pick ups, processing the paper through the shredding process, should be acknowledged for their efforts as well. The success of this project is made possible through the teamwork of our staff and management team.”

MediSys Celebrates Social Work Month

For the past 116 years, social workers have committed themselves to improving social conditions and the quality of life opportunities for everyone. Every March, National Professional Social Work month highlights the contributions social workers make to society and raises awareness about the profession. This year, the theme is “All People Matter” and to celebrate, the MediSys Health Network organized several events.

Jamaica Hospital held a bake sale to raise money for The Rose Marmo Fund, created in honor of a social worker who worked at Jamaica Hospital for 35 years. Almost $500 was raised and the money will be used to assist patients with the things they need for a safe discharge.

Additionally, the facility organized an educational workshop for patients, visitors, and employees. Attorneys from The Family Center were available to assist individuals with questions regarding health care proxies and to help them complete the necessary forms.

“We wanted to educate the public on the importance of medical decision making,” explained Sheryl Mersten, Director of Case Management/Social Work at Jamaica Hospital. “As medical social workers, we are advocates for our patients and are constantly communicating between them, their loved ones, and staff. Social workers, therefore, become a critical part of the healthcare team.”

The facility ended the month long celebration with a social work appreciation luncheon. Social workers Meghan Wolfman, Karen Rothman, and Michelle Blearie-Samuel were honored by the department and received awards.

At Flushing Hospital, administration and department heads were sent an email informing them about National Social Work Month and thanking the hospital’s social workers for their unyielding dedication to their patients. Also, the Assistant Director of Case Management and Social Work, Christine Wildman, organized a breakfast to honor their social workers, while several hospital employees nominated Roy Naipaul for this year’s National Association of Social Workers/Queensboro Council for Social Work Queens Social Workers Award.

“All people have dignity and deserve respect,” said Denise James, Director of Case Management/Social Work at Flushing Hospital. “Social workers are an immediate lifeline in crisis—providing access to resources and new life options—and deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated for their hard work and dedication.”

The MediSys Health Network employs over 30 social workers, and we extend our gratitude to each and every one of them. Thank you.

MediSys Health Network Celebrates Creative Arts Therapies Week

Healthy Living Mural at JHMC

The Department of Psychiatry at Jamaica and Flushing Hospitals recently celebrated Creative Arts Therapies week by displaying the artwork made by their patients. From March 17 to March 21, Jamaica Hospital showcased an exhibit titled “Me” in the hospital lobby, while Flushing Hospital’s “Wishing Tree of Life and Hope” and “Healthy Living” murals were displayed on easels in the lobby.

The “Me” exhibit featured over 20 pieces, all depicting the personal expressions of how patients viewed themselves. The artwork includes self-portraits and landscapes.

Each of Flushing Hospital’s murals spanned 30”x40” and were created by patients from the Chemical Dependency Unit and inpatient psychiatry unit. The “Wishing Tree of Life and Hope” mural consisted of a tree full of leaves. Every leaf highlighted a personal value that patients found helpful in their recovery from drug use. The “Healthy Living” mural was a collage of images that patients felt defined healthy living. Some of the images included healthy food, exercising, and sleep.

Over 300 individuals, including Councilman Ruben Willis, visited the

Wishing Tree Mural at FHMC

exhibits and in some cases, wrote words of encouragement and support for creative arts therapy and acknowledged the benefits it provides patients.

“Creative Arts Therapies Week supports creative expression as a cornerstone of mental health and a happy, fulfilled life,” said Elim Mak, Creative Arts Therapist at Flushing Hospital. “Art therapy allows our patients to tap in or reconnect with their creative inner selves. It is a life-affirming intervention because we humans are, by nature, an imaginative and creative species.”

According to American Art Therapy Association, art therapy uses art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, and foster self-awareness. It also manages behavior and addictions, develops social skills, improves reality orientation, reduces anxiety and depression and increases self-esteem.

“Arts therapy is an essential part of treatment for mental health patients because the process of making art is therapeutic,” said Michelle Hololob, Creative Arts Therapist at Jamaica Hospital. “When a person doesn’t have words or when words are too painful, art becomes inspiration.”

“Additionally, every population can benefit from art therapy,” said Heather Grey, Creative Arts Therapist at Jamaica Hospital. “We provide all of our patients with a safe space. Our rooms are warm, friendly, inviting, and display remnants of home.”

"Me" Exhibit at JHMC

Mental health patients admitted to Jamaica or Flushing Hospital participate in creative arts therapy through group sessions. They also receive medication therapy, psychotherapy, and emotional support. The hospitals’ collaborative and comprehensive approach to treatment provides patients with the best chance at functioning in society.

The “Me” exhibit was featured in the Queens Chronicleand the New York Daily News.

Trump Pavilion Tops the List

Congratulations to Trump Pavilion for being identified by U.S. News and World Report as one of the nation’s top nursing homes. The facility earned the highest rating—five stars—from the federal government for the quality of care it provides its residents and patients, its nursing staff, and its continual ability to excel during health inspections.

“It’s quite an honor to be acknowledged as a top nursing facility in the U.S.,” said Greg Bradley, Executive Vice President of Trump Pavilion for Nursing and Rehabilitation. “We strive to provide our residents with high quality and efficient service in  a warm and home-like environment. This national recognition is an indication that we are fulfilling this vision.”

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which sets and enforces standards for nursing homes, ranked all nursing homes across the nation based upon annual health inspections, nursing staffing and quality measures.  Health inspections carry the most weight in this determination and Trump Pavilion has had no health deficiencies for two consecutive years.

The facility is extremely proud of its recent accolade and will continue to aim for the highest ranking overall and the highest ranking in all categories.

MediSys Raises Awareness About Internet Addiction

The Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Services at Jamaica and Flushing Hospital is raising awareness about a potential problem for an increasing number of Americans – internet addiction.

Last year, the Psychiatry Department hosted a symposium and invited leading researchers in the field, who educated the MediSys staff on this growing, yet not officially recognized, condition.

The idea that someone can be addicted to the internet or other electronic mediums, such as gaming consoles or hand-held devices, has not always been fully accepted by everyone in the psychiatric community. In recent years, however, more and more mental health professionals are beginning to see similarities between internet addiction and other addictive activities.

Internet addiction can affect children and adolescents, as well as adults because of how pervasive the technology has become in our everyday lives. According to Dr. Fermin Gonzalez, Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, “we use technology for work and school, and we rely on it to connect with others socially, which makes it hard to avoid.”

Persons addicted to the internet often share the same traits as other addicts, including:
• Prolonged time away from friends and family
• Preoccupation with the internet
• Increased time spent to feel “satisfied”
• Failed attempts to limit internet usage
• Hiding or lying about the amount of time spent on the internet

As Dr. Gonzalez explains, “the dangers of internet addiction don’t pose the same physiological dangers as drug or alcohol addition, but they can affect the individual psychologically. Internet addiction poses similar characteristics to a gambling addiction.”

Dr. Gonzalez shared his thoughts about internet addiction in a recent interview with the Queens Chronicle. To read the full article click here:

Mr. Flanz Addresses the Future of Health Care at Local Event

On Friday February 21,  Bruce J. Flanz, President and CEO of the MediSys Health Network was an invited guest participant in a panel discussion on the state of healthcare in Queens.

The discussion was part of a larger Black History Month celebration, sponsored by local newspaper, The Press of Southeast Queens, and was held at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center in downtown Jamaica. Over 200 individuals were in attendance, including Borough President Melinda Katz and other local elected officials. Many of the other attendees were influential, community-minded officials from various faith-based organizations, community boards and civic associations.

Mr. Flanz addressed the healthcare issues facing Jamaica Hospital as well as the community as we transition to a new healthcare delivery system.  He spoke about the industry movement to better manage the health of the community through education and preventative care, rather than only treating patients when they are sick and at our doors – a term known as Population Health Management.

During his presentation, Mr. Flanz explained that only 10% of an individual’s overall health can be attributed to the health care they receive. The remaining 90% is based on genetics and lifestyle. Through improved diet and exercise habits, a reduction in “bad behaviors” such as alcohol consumption and smoking, and an increased effort to maintain regular health check-ups, together, we can build a healthier community.

The crowd was very appreciative and enlightened by Mr. Flanz’s comments and many in attendance are now looking to work with Jamaica Hospital to improve the health of the community.