Congratulations To The MediSys Health Network’s Good Catch Award Winners

Good Catch awardees receive recognition and a certificate of excellence based on their actions in preventing accidents from occurring. These actions may include keeping our facilities safe, correcting a medication order, preventing a patient from falling, or reporting a significant change in a patient’s status.

Please join us in congratulating the following employees on their Good Catch:

1. Yvette Tapia, LPN- Flushing Hospital
2. Radiology Techs – Flushing Hospital

By identifying a problem before it became a patient safety issue, our awardees have helped our hospitals provide patients with excellent care. We thank them for being exemplary team members and contributing to our goal of being a high-reliability network.

Congratulations To The MediSys Health Network’s CARE Award Recipients

The CARE Award Program recognizes employees who receive positive written remarks from patients or their loved ones after receiving high-quality and compassionate care.

The criteria for the award are:

C: Compassion- Through listening, identifying patient vulnerabilities, and conveying empathy.

A: Advocacy-Ensure quality care is given and the safety of the patients and environment is maintained.

R: Respect-Greeting or speaking to others in a kind and respectful way.

E: Engagement-Make individuals feel valued, important, and recognized.

Please join us in congratulating:

1. Dr. William Nugent – Jamaica Hospital

2. Dr. Danielle Defoe – Jamaica Hospital

3. SICU Team- Jamaica Hospital

4. Dr. Mrinalini Alla – Flushing Hospital

5. Dr. Candace Wong – Flushing Hospital

6. Rajnish Kaur, RN- Flushing Hospital

7. Dr. Mathew Fakhoury- Flushing Hospital

8. Dr. Yasser El-Hennawy- Flushing Hospital

We thank our employees for their contributions to making our hospitals high-reliability facilities that focus on patient-centered care.


Jamaica Hospital Named One Of America’s 100 Best Hospitals

Jamaica Hospital Medical Center is pleased to announce that it has been named one of America’s 100 Best Hospitals for 2024, by Healthgrades.

The achievement places Jamaica Hospital in the top 2% of hospitals nationwide for overall clinical performance and serves as a testament to the organization’s unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional patient care.

This year, only seven hospitals in New York were recognized as one of America’s 100 Best Hospitals. Jamaica Hospital is proud to join the elite ranks of top providers and be counted as one of only two hospitals in Queens to receive the prestigious award. The hospital is also celebrating its advancement in the national rankings, having climbed up 150 spots on the list from its previous position as one of America’s 250 Best Hospitals, an accolade it consecutively earned from 2020 through 2024.

Hospitals ranked as one of America’s 100 Best Hospitals, by Healthgrades, a leading online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals, are nationally recognized for their high performance and quality achievements. To determine the top hospitals for 2024, Healthgrades evaluated risk-adjusted mortality and complication rates for more than 30 conditions and procedures at approximately 4,500 hospitals nationwide. Unlike other hospital studies, Healthgrades ratings are based solely on what matters most: patient outcomes.

“Healthgrades commends Jamaica Hospital for their leadership and continued dedication to high quality care,” said Brad Bowman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, and Head of Data Science at Healthgrades. “As one of America’s 100 Best Hospitals, Jamaica Hospital is elevating the standard for quality care nationwide and ensuring superior outcomes for the patients in their community.”

Jamaica Hospital’s pursuit of excellence and dedication to providing high-quality, equitable care has also yielded the following 2024 Healthgrades awards:

  • America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Coronary Intervention Award
  • Cranial Neurosurgery Excellence Award
  • Gastrointestinal Surgery Excellence Award

These awards have distinguished Jamaica Hospital as one of the leading healthcare organizations in the country, an achievement made possible through the tireless efforts of hospital employees to deliver the best care, and the vision of leadership to provide the community with world-class services close to home.


Flushing Hospital Receives Gold Safe Sleep Certification from Cribs for Kids

Flushing Hospital Medical Center has been recognized by the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program as a Gold-level Safe Sleep Hospital for their commitment to best practices and education on infant sleep safety. It is currently the only New York City hospital outside of the city’s public hospital system (NYC Health + Hospitals) that has achieved this certification level. Previously, Flushing Hospital held Bronze-level certification since 2016.

The National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program was created by Cribs for Kids, a national infant sleep safety organization that works with healthcare organizations to prevent infant sleep-related deaths due to sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) and accidental suffocation.

As a Nationally Certified Gold-level Safe Sleep Hospital, Flushing Hospital is recognized for following safe sleep guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and providing training programs for healthcare team members and family caregivers. Requirements for achieving Gold-level certification include:

  • Implementing hospital-wide Infant Safe Sleep Policy
  • Promoting safe sleep education on the hospital website
  • Promoting hospital-wide infant safe sleep imagery
  • Providing safe sleep training to staff caring for infants for more than one year
  • Providing safe sleep education to family/caregivers of infant for more than one year
  • Identifying families needing a safe sleep space and providing resources
  • Implementing Quality Improvement measures based on compliance audits
  • Using and/or gifting wearable blankets, or assigning Cribs for Kids Hospital-Wide Training Module to every hospital employee
  • Engaging in at least two community outreach initiatives to educate the community on infant sleep safety

In the process of meeting and staying up to date with these requirements, some of the specific infant sleep safety initiatives implemented by Flushing Hospital include:

  • Hourly rounds to monitor baby safety
  • Instruction of medical staff, patients, and families on putting babies to sleep safely
  • Community outreach, including educational events in the hospital lobby and clinics
  • Educating and providing sleep sacks (which reduce the risk of strangulation or suffocation of babies) to patients

“Flushing Hospital consistently strives to educate parents and our community on how to provide the safest sleep environment for their babies,” said Maria DeMarinis Smilios, Director of Nursing – Maternal and Child Services at Flushing Hospital. “We feel this most recent Gold-level designation demonstrates our commitment to that goal.”

We thank everyone at Flushing Hospital who made this achievement possible and for their work to make our hospital the safest environment possible for newborns and their families.

Welcome To The First MediSys Babies of 2024

The first baby of the New Year is always a special event at Jamaica Hospital and Flushing Hospital Medical Centers. Special thanks to the staff who assisted with these deliveries.

These are our first babies of the New Year:

Jamaica Hospital Medical Center
Baby Boy:  Abdiel Elias Espinoza
Weight: 6 lbs 01 oz
Length: 18.5 inches
Time:  10:14 AM on 1/1/2024
Mother: Rosinel Espinoza Rivero



Flushing Hospital Medical Center
Baby Boy: Novoa Arevelo
Weight: 6 lbs 1.4 oz
Length: 18 inches
Time: 12:08 AM on 1/1/2024
Mother: Merlin Novoa Arevelo



In addition to Baby Novoa being the first baby born at Flushing Hospital, he was also one of the first babies born in New York City on New Year’s Day.

Congratulations to the families. We wish them a lifetime of happiness.

Schwartz Rounds Return at Flushing Hospital Medical Center and Jamaica Hospital

Healthcare professionals and leadership at FHMC attending a Schwartz Rounds panel discussion.On November 23, 2023, 152 staff members at Flushing Hospital Medical Center attended the first Schwartz Rounds event held since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. The panel discussion included attending physicians, residents, nurses, and social workers, all of whom shared challenges they experienced with building trust and meeting family expectations in cases with unexpected outcomes.

The Schwartz Rounds program offers our healthcare providers a regularly-scheduled time during their fast-paced work lives to openly and honestly discuss social and emotional issues they face while caring for patients and their families. Unlike traditional medical rounds, these discussions focus on shared experiences, thoughts, and feelings centered around thought-provoking topics drawn from actual patient cases. The goal of the program is to provide caregivers with a greater ability to make personal connections with patients and colleagues by offering greater insight into one another’s responses and feelings.

Panelists from diverse disciplines participate in the sessions. After listening to a brief presentation on a particular case or topic, caregivers in the audience are invited to share their own perspectives and discuss broader related issues. Participants in Schwartz Rounds report that the honesty and vulnerability involved in these discussions help them to feel less isolated in their own experiences.

Our Schwartz Rounds committee members thank everyone for their participation in this first panel discussion and invite all employees to attend future rounds throughout 2024. These rounds will take place on 3/14, 6/27, 9/26 and 12/19. Additional rounds will also take place at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center on 1/19, 4/19, 7/26, and 10/25.

If you have any questions about Schwartz Rounds, please contact Oksana Galibova, the Program Coordinator for Schwartz Rounds and Network Director of Person-Centered Services, by sending an email to [email protected].

Congratulations To The MediSys Health Network’s Good Catch Award Winners

Good Catch awardees receive recognition and a certificate of excellence based on their actions in preventing accidents from occurring. These actions may include keeping our facilities safe, correcting a medication order, preventing a patient from falling or reporting a significant change in a patient’s status.

Please join us in congratulating the following employees on their Good Catch:

1. JHMC Radiology Techs
2. Mariamma Thomas, RN,2 West, Chemical Dependency Unit (CDU) – Flushing Hospital

By identifying a problem before it became a patient safety issue, our awardees have helped our hospitals provide patients with excellent care. We thank them for being exemplary team members and contributing to our goal of being a high-reliability network.

Congratulations To The MediSys Health Network’s SEIP Award Winners

Congratulations to the MediSys Health Network’s Safety Excellence in Infection Prevention (SEIP) award winners.

The SEIP award recognizes employees who contribute to the success of infection control initiatives.

The criteria for the award are:

S: Surpasses above and beyond expected job role responsibilities as it relates to infection control.

E: Enforce actions that support infection prevention best practices.

I: I do the right thing, even when no one is looking.

P: Performs awesome acts of safety related to infection prevention.

We thank the following team members for leading by example and doing their part to reduce the risk of infection transmissions:

1. Marirose Desa, RN- Jamaica Hospital

2. Dr. Juan Beltre -Flushing Hospital

The MediSys Health Network cultivates a culture of safety by prioritizing infection control and prevention. All employees have an important part to play in preventing the spread of infections, and everyone’s contribution to safety is highly valued.

Congratulations To The MediSys Health Network’s CARE Award Recipients

The CARE Award Program recognizes employees who receive positive written remarks from patients or their loved ones after receiving high-quality and compassionate care.

The criteria for the award are:

C: Compassion- Through listening, identifying patient vulnerabilities, and conveying empathy.

A: Advocacy-Ensure quality care is given and the safety of the patients and environment is maintained.

R: Respect-Greeting or speaking to others in a kind and respectful way.

E: Engagement-Make individuals feel valued, important, and recognized.

Please join us in congratulating:

1. Johnathan Drepaul, Care Advocate  – Jamaica Hospital

2. Nataly Panameno, RN – Jamaica Hospital

3.  Michele Popowytsch, RN- Jamaica Hospital

4. Frank Scharf, EMT – Flushing Hospital

5. Muhthadun Rahman, EMT – Flushing Hospital

We thank our employees for their contributions to making our hospitals high-reliability facilities that focus on patient-centered care.

Congratulations To The MediSys Health Network’s Good Catch Award Winner

Good Catch awardees receive recognition and a certificate of excellence based on their actions in preventing accidents from occurring. These actions may include keeping our facilities safe, correcting a medication order, preventing a patient from falling, or reporting a significant change in a patient’s status.

Please join us in congratulating Kimberly Forbes, MD, Family Medicine & Palliative Care on her Good Catch.

By identifying a problem before it became a patient safety issue, Dr. Forbes has helped our hospitals provide patients with excellent care. We thank her for being an exemplary team member and for contributing to our goal of being a high-reliability network.