Flushing Hospital Medical Center is delivering a series of brand new, state-of-the-art in-patient upgrades to benefit women and newborns.

LDR Rendering
The hospital recently unveiled its plans to expand and modernize the entire 5th floor of the hospital, including its Labor Delivery and Recovery (LDR) suites, Mother-Baby Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and newborn nursery to provide the ultimate mother-baby experience.
Flushing Hospital’s project, which has been named “New Beginnings,” will feature an expansion of the hospital’s current LDR suites from eight to 11 and converting the existing triage space from one large semi-private area to four completely private rooms. In addition, the hospital is increasing the number of recovery rooms on the unit from three to five and adding one additional delivery room to accommodate more Cesarean section deliveries.

LDR Rendering
On the Mother-Baby unit, Flushing Hospital will now offer exclusively private rooms to our patients. Each of the 28 remodeled rooms will feature many amenities including ADA compliant private bathrooms with showers, sleeper beds to accommodate a designated support person overnight visitation, and an electronic information board and bedside tablet for mom.
Flushing Hospital also relocated the newborn nursery to a more convenient location in closer proximity to the Mother-Baby unit and remodeled its neonatal intensive care unit, where premature babies or babies born with complications receive expert care.
The entire floor will also receive an enhanced air circulation system, with all rooms having the ability to provide negative pressure. This is extremely important for patient safety, especially during the COVID pandemic.
The name “New Beginnings” was given to this project not only because it marks a new beginning for Flushing Hospital, but more importantly, it also provides the families in our community an ideal environment to welcome a new addition into their world, which signifies a new beginning for them as well.
“Flushing Hospital Medical Center wanted to create an atmosphere that matches the high-quality care our team has always offered our patients” stated Dr. Hajoon Chun, Chairperson of Ob/Gyn, who added, “The completion of our New Beginnings project will ultimately provide a birthing environment that focuses on comfort and safety and we are excited to offer it to our community.”
Flushing Hospital anticipates the first two model rooms to be finished before the end of the year and will work tirelessly until each aspect of the project is completed.