Jamaica Hospital Increases Efforts to Connect with the Community

First impressions can be lasting, which is why Jamaica Hospital recently redesigned their website. In this day in age, everyone knows that the internet is used to research everything—including hospitals. When people visit www.jamaicahospital.org, they are now welcomed to a nicely colored and easy-to-navigate website.

The clean layout allows visitors to easily search patient and clinical services, employment opportunities, health information, general hospital information, and much more. They can also benefit from several new sections on the website, including the “employee section” and “find a doctor” feature.  An interactive campus map and a mobile version of the site will be available in the very near future.

“The internet is a valuable tool for hospitals,” said Michael Hinck, Director of Public Affairs. “There is a lot of web traffic to our site and having an updated and modern looking webpage is necessary. It has become very important for the hospital to improve its presence on the internet.”

In addition to redesigning their website, Jamaica Hospital just launched a social media campaign as well. The facility now boasts active Facebook and Twitter accounts, and will use the two platforms to better connect with the community. On these sites, information will be provided on a wide variety of health topics, such as asthma, obesity, diabetes, smoking, prenatal care, and hypertension. There will also be poll and trivia questions, lifestlye and parenting tips, and healthy recipes.

“Through these efforts, we really hope to engage more with the community and to become a valuable resource for them,” Michael added. “We want to strengthen ties with our community, as we look to replicate these efforts at  Flushing Hospital as well”

The redesign of Flushing Hospital’s website is now underway and their social media campaign is slated to kickoff later this year.