Jamaica Hospital Opens New Pediatric Treatment Room

Anyone who has ever been a patient in a hospital will tell you that the experience can be unsettling, especially for children. In an effort to make the experience for children a little more pleasant, Jamaica Hospital recently opened a state-of-the-art pediatric treatment room.

The new treatment room has a tropical beach motif, with palm trees, dolphins playing in the surf and parrots flying high in the sky. The bright colors and wonderful artwork will not only make a remarkable difference for children but the physicians and nurses will have an easier time locating supplies. The treatment room also features strategically designed organization, better lighting, and an upgraded exam table.

A wide variety of procedures will be performed in the treatment room, including IV starts, blood collection, cauterizations, IV flushes, injections, hearing and sight testing, OB exams, and consultations.

Jamaica Hospital’s Pediatric Department is thrilled about the new feature of it’s Pediatric Unit. Staff members are excited about the room’s ability to serve as a distraction for children while they undergo medical care. Above all, they are thankful for the generous donations provided by the Starlight Children’s Foundation and the Larry and Jane Scheinfelf Foundation, whose funding helped build the new room.