The Detectives’ Endowment Association Honors Jamaica Hospital

Detective Endowment DSC_0014Last month the Detectives’ Endowment Association of the City of New York presented an award to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center in recognition of the high level of care given to police officers over the years. Many of whom have required  the expertise of our highly esteemed trauma team.


Jamaica Hospital’s NYS Designated Level 1 Trauma Center is renowned for delivering expert care in many specialties including emergency medicine, neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery and intensive care. It is one of the busiest in the nation because of its close proximity to JFK and many major highways.

Detective John Timpanaro presented the award to Mr.Bruce J. Flanz, President and CEO of the hospital as well as members of the trauma center.  Detective Timpanaro thanked everyone for their dedication and commitment to treating New York City’s finest and the entire community.

Jamaica Hospital was also honored earlier this year by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and Police Commissioner William Bratton, who thanked staff for taking excellent care of the City’s police officers.

For more hospital events, highlights, health and  fitness tips,visit us on  or Hospital 

and follow us on Twitter @JamaicaHospital or @FHMC_NYC

Flushing Hospital Receives Positive Acclaim from Joint Commission

Well done -461215725On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Flushing Hospital Medical Center was visited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHCO). The Joint Commission accredits and certifies over 20,000 health institutions across the United States.

Joint Commission accreditation is recognized nationally as a symbol of quality and a reflection of an organization’s commitment to meet and excel in performance standards.

It was clear to Joint Commission surveyors that Flushing Hospital’s leadership has made patient safety their number one priority, as well as finding merit in the different programs to improve patient care and employee relations such as the Team Stepps training initiative, Good Catch program, as well as the Just Culture program.

Surveyors found relatively few areas that needed improvement and staff at all levels was complimented for their active engagement and participation during the process.

Overall, hospital initiatives received positive acclaim from the survey team, especially the seven-day-per-week Safety Huddle initiative, which was suggested for inclusion in the Joint Commission’s Best Practice Library.

Dr. Michael Epstein, leader of the survey team congratulated Flushing Hospital leadership and staff for moving the hospital toward becoming a High Reliability Organization.

The MediSys Behavioral Health Network’s 13th Annual Behavioral Health Conference was a Resounding Success

Dr   Frankel IMG_8341More than 150 people attended the 13th annual Behavioral Health Conference at Flushing Hospital on Friday, November 13th, 2015. The event was co-sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Services and the Department of Risk Management. This year’s topic was Adam and Eve: Can They Share the Apple? The Evolving Role of Relationships for Men and Women in Healthcare and the Larger Culture.

The purpose of the conference was to explore the evolving role relationships between men and women in American culture and, more specifically, in the healthcare workplace.

The conference began with welcoming remarks by Seeth Vivek, MD, Chairman of Psychiatry and introductory remarks by Anthony Maffia, LCSW, Vice-President, Psychiatry and Addiction Services.

The keynote speaker, Rosalind Barnett PhD,  a Senior Scientist at the Women’s Studies Research Center of Brandeis University discussed The New Soft War on Women: Subtle Barriers that Impede Women’s Progress in the Workplace. Special Invited speaker, Ann Marie T. Sulliva MD, Commissioner of the New York State Office of Mental Health addressed The Role of Psychiatry and the Mental Health Professions in the Evolving Cultural Roles between Men and Women. 

The afternoon session was an integrative symposium which was chaired by Ms. Carmen James, Director of  Risk Management at Flushing Hospital. It consisted of four brief presentations by MediSys Health System faculty and a round table discussion.

The presentations generated a lively and spirited discussion amongst the panel members and the audience.

Dr. Frankel, Conference Co-Chair said, “The 13th Annual Behavioral Health Conference was a resounding success and demonstrated again by attendance and audience participation the central role that behavior and its change plays in modern healthcare.” The planning committee is looking forward to the 14th Annual Conference in November 2016.”







Free TV and Phone Services For Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Patients

Patient on Phone -86543579Jamaica Hospital and Flushing Hospital Medical Center has taken great strides in the last few months to make our patients as comfortable as possible while they are staying with us. A hospital stay can be very stressful and also very uncomfortable.

Having some of the comforts of home has proven to make the time spent in a hospital less stressful. We understand how important it is for our patients to stay connected with their loved ones and the outside world. To help make this possible, during the spring of 2015 we began offering free Wi-Fi service to our patients and on October 1, 2015 we began offering free TV and phone service as well.

Our staff works very hard to ensure that every patient has a pleasant stay when they are in the hospital. We will continue to develop and execute initiatives to offer our patients the highest quality of services.

Jamaica and Flushing Hospital On A Mission To Beat Diabetes

Diabetes JHMC  2015 IMG_0236Last month was National Diabetes Awareness Month and in observance of this important occasion Flushing and Jamaica Hospital Medical Center participated in several events to raise awareness. On November 19th Jamaica Hospital created displays in the main lobby that educated guests and employees about   the general facts of the disease, as well as the importance of wound care, skin care and nutrition for diabetics.   The displays were fun and interactive. They included games such as “Diabetes Jeopardy” and other trivia- based activities.  Participants were entered to win grand prizes and others won giveaways on the spot.

Diabetes Program  FHMC  V2 045Flushing Hospital Medical Center sponsored a Diabetes Champion Program.  It was a full, two day, program in which staff received in-depth education and training in diabetes pathophysiology, blood glucose monitoring, oral anti-diabetic medications, Insulin, medical nutrition, as well as the importance of exercise and patient education methods. A goal of the program was for the Diabetes Champions to continue to develop their skills and work towards becoming Certified Diabetes Educators. The role of a Diabetes Educator is to improve diabetes management among our patients by addressing their questions or concerns regarding the disease.

According to the American Diabetes Association, “nearly 30 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes. Another 86 million Americans have prediabetes and are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes.” Jamaica and Flushing Hospital are proud to be a part of the movement that raises awareness and educates the public about this growing and life threatening disease.  Both hospitals take their roles very seriously and are planning future initiatives to continue to educate the communities they serve about diabetes.

For more hospital highlights,  health and  fitness tips  visit us on  or Hospital  and follow us on Twitter @JamaicaHospital or @FHMC_NYC



124th Anniversary Rainbow Ball- Honors Dr. Cono Grasso Chairman of Ophthalmology

Rainbow Ball 2 IMG_8584

President and C.E.O of Jamaica Hospital, Bruce J. Flanz presented Dr. Cono Grasso with an award of recognition.

Last Saturday Jamaica Hospital Medical Center celebrated its 124th Anniversary Rainbow Ball at Citi Field. The Rainbow Ball is an opportunity for supporters of Jamaica Hospital to celebrate its accomplishments and raise funds for future projects.  A guest of honor is also recognized each year for their devotion to the hospital. This year’s honoree was Dr. Cono Grasso; Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology.

The event commenced with the singing of the national anthem followed by a warm greeting from President and C.E.O of Jamaica Hospital, Bruce J. Flanz.

grasso  giving speechMr. Flanz later introduced Dr. Grasso to over 500 guests and presented him with the distinguished award of recognition-which Dr. Grasso graciously accepted amidst the applause and cheers from the crowd.  He thanked his family, friends and colleagues for supporting him and believing in his vision for the ophthalmology department.

For the remainder of the evening guests enjoyed a delicious spread of food and desserts, participated in mini golf challenges and danced to a live band.  The fun carried on during the raffle and grand prize drawing where contestants won trips, gift cards and electronics.

group with grassoIn all the 124th Anniversary Rainbow Ball was a great success and celebration of, as best said by our President Mr. Flanz, “a true gentleman whose dedication and compassion to our patients and the community that we serve is an inspiration to all.” Congratulations Dr. Cono Grasso on being this year’s honoree and thank you for your dedication to Jamaica Hospital.


For more pictures from this event, as well as other hospital highlights join Jamaica and Flushing Hospital on social media:  or Hospital 

and follow us on Twitter @JamaicaHospital or @FHMC_NYC


Angels on The Bay 2015 – Jamaica and Flushing Receive Generous Donations

Angels on the Bay 2015 IMG_1339Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center both received very generous donations from the Queens-based pediatric charity organization, Angels on the Bay, whose mission is “to be the keepers of hope and the guardians of dreams to all children in need of a little miracle.” The money raised for Jamaica and Flushing is to assist both hospitals in our continued efforts to provide high-quality medical care to children in the community.

Flushing Hospital received the first of two annual donations from Angels on the Bay, totaling $40,000. Those contributions will be earmarked for the purchase of special equipment used to provide emergency and critical care for infants and toddlers. The $40,000 that Flushing Hospital will receive over the next two years brings the total donations made by Angels on the Bay to over $200,000.

Angels on the bay  2015 IMG_1343Angels on the Bay also donated $75,000 to Jamaica Hospital over a three year period. The funds received will allow Jamaica Hospital to purchase echocardiography equipment for its pediatric department. Since 1995, Jamaica Hospital has received approximately $450,000 in contributions from Angels on the Bay.

Hospital Chief Operating Officers William Lynch and Robert Levine were present to accept the checks and offer their appreciation on behalf of Jamaica Hospital and Flushing Hospital.

Angels on the Bay is a non-for-profit organization that was founded in 1994 by Frank Russo with the goal of raising funds to benefit children and pediatric services in the area. In addition to Jamaica and Flushing Hospital, Angels on the Bay has supported numerous pediatric causes, raising millions of dollars for children in the area over the past two decades.

For more hospital events, highlights, health and  fitness tips, like us on  or Hospital 

and follow us on Twitter @JamaicaHospital or @FHMC_NYC

Flu Season Is Here- Flu Shots Now Available for Jamaica and Flushing Hospital

flu -490617758Flu season is here and with it comes dreadful flu symptoms. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, requiring hospitalization and in some cases can lead to death.   The best way to protect yourself and others around you from the spread of the virus is to get the flu vaccine. It is your strongest line of defense. According to Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC), the flu shot reduces the chances of getting the flu by 70 to 90%.

It is important to get a flu shot every year because flu viruses are constantly changing.  New vaccines are created each year to offer you optimal protection.  The CDC recommends that everyone from the ages of six months and older receive an annual vaccination. The flu vaccine works by stimulating your immune system to develop antibodies that attack the flu virus.

The flu vaccine is the best preventative step you can take against infection. The shot is now available at Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Center’s offices of Occupational Health or the main lobby in each hospital.

If you choose not to receive vaccination, please inform our offices of Occupation Health Services by completing the Refusal to Receive section of their Influenza Vaccination Encounter form.  Beginning November 16th those who do  not receive the vaccination will be required to wear face masks at all times in areas where patients may be present.  Hospital employees will be locked out of Kronos beginning December 1st if the paper work is not received.  Failure to comply with these requirements will result in disciplinary actions.

For more details on the flu vaccine please call Jamaica Hospital’s Occupation Health Services at 718 206 6812 or Flushing Hospital’s Occupational Health Services at 718 670 5630.

For more hospital events, highlights, health and  fitness tips,visit us on  or Hospital 

and follow us on Twitter @JamaicaHospital or @FHMC_NYC

Jamaica Hospital Helps Move New York Out Of Last Place

Live on 2 vDid you know New York is ranked last in the entire country for the percentage of residents registered as organ donors? Even more concerning is the fact that a New Yorker dies every 18 hours while waiting for an organ donation.  In response to these alarming statistics Jamaica Hospital Medical Center partnered with LiveOnNY-a federally designated organ procurement organization to help raise awareness and increase the number of organ donors.

On October 6th both organizations participated in New York’s first ever Organ Donor Enrollment Day. This campaign was executed with one goal in mind: to enroll as many willing New Yorkers as possible in one day to become registered organ donors.  Staff and volunteers from LiveOnNY and Jamaica Hospital rallied passersby in the main lobby and cafeteria of the hospital to sign up.

Key figures who represented Jamaica Hospital at the event were William Lynch, Executive Vice President and COO; Dr. Alan Roth, Chairman of Family Medicine and Palliative Care and Dr. Anthony DiMaria, Vice President and Medical Director of Trump Pavilion.  Each of which have been instrumental in developing our partnership with LiveOnNY and advocating for this important cause.

Dr. Anthony DiMaria understands first-hand the importance of organ donation.  He spoke openly to the media and shared his personal experience of being a New Yorker who received a much needed organ donation.  “I was going out—down to the end when I was informed that I was going to receive a heart,” said Dr. DiMaria. “I’ve said it before but I’ve been given life twice.” He also went on to tell reporters that his donor was a man from the Dominican Republic and that he still to this day keeps in touch with the donor’s family. The media fondly dubbed him as “The Italian with the Dominican Heart.”

Jamaica Hospital been an advocate for organ donation for many years, we have been “sounding the alarm for donor registration for decades,” stated Mr. Lynch. It is our goal to continue these efforts and help save lives.

To read and watch the media stories of Jamaica Hospital’s and LiveOnNY’s Organ Donor Enrollment Day, please click the links below:


For more hospital events, highlights, health and  fitness tips,visit us on  or Hospital 

and follow us on Twitter @JamaicaHospital or @FHMC_NYC

Tips for a Safe Halloween Costume

Halloween -184661090Halloween is around the corner and choosing the right costume is always a great treat before the actual day. As adults, we look forward to seeing our kids adorably dressed up in fun and exciting costumes. With a few tips on choosing the right costumes, you can ensure an evening of fun and no fright.

When purchasing costumes, masks, beards and wigs, look for flame-resistant fabrics such as nylon or polyester, or look for the label “Flame Resistant.” These fabrics will resist burning and should extinguish quickly. To minimize the risk of contact with candles and other fire sources, avoid costumes made with flimsy materials and outfits with big, baggy sleeves or billowing skirts. Costumes should also fit well so they do not drag on the ground and prevent trips and falls.

Some additional tips from include:

  • Purchase or make costumes that are light, bright and clearly visible to motorists. For greater visibility during dusk and darkness, decorate or trim costumes with reflective tape that will glow in the beam of a car’s headlights.
  • Children should carry flashlights to see and be seen. Bags or sacks also should be light colored or decorated with reflective tape. Reflective tape is usually available in hardware, bicycle and sporting goods stores.
  • Children should wear well-fitting, sturdy shoes. High heels are not a good idea.
  • Tie hats and scarves securely to prevent them from slipping over children’s eyes and obstructing vision.
  • If your child wears a mask, make sure it fits securely, provides adequate ventilation, and has eye holes large enough to allow full vision. Skip the mask and opt for face paint instead.
  • Swords, knives and similar costume accessories should be made of soft, flexible

Happy and safe Halloween!